[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/R3llC7c.png[/img][/center][url=https://youtu.be/E_n0FhCyIfY][img]https://i.imgur.com/qIWrDoH.png[/img][/url] [indent][indent][indent]Most regarded her with nothing but a side-eye, while others went on with their conversations as if nothing happened. Bex wasn’t there to have all eyes on her like a bedazzled Lisa Frank poster. She was there because of the niche spotlight that showed her as a “hero.” She was far from a proper sidekick considering the array of demonic powers stretched far and wide—[i]far[/i] and wide. The biggest reason for her transfer was that the magical part of the Justice League was championed by people unable to handle Bex’s rapid-fire personality. The closest was her mentor, David, and even he constantly threw timeouts at her. So, this arrangement was supposed to be… better. Sure, she fit into the median age, but it seemed to be filled with the same “stick up their ass” cardboard cutouts as the rest of the Justice League. They just wanted to be strapped into the league’s pre-worn spandex like the hero-obsessed mini-me’s they were. Bex was in the process of rolling her eyes when one of the Girl Scouts broke away from her troupe to try to spike Bex some cookies. She cocked her head to the side and looked down at the other woman. [i]Daphne,[/i] was her name. One hand went to her hip while she slipped the ring of her cellphone over her finger and idly spun it in the other. [color=#d02b3b]“I know,”[/color] she said to the other’s compliment. [color=#d02b3b]“Daph, is it?”[/color] She brought her hand from her hip and reached towards a frill of the other’s dress. [color=#d02b3b]“I don’t recognize this designer. The stitching is hand done. Don’t tell me you made this yourself?”[/color] She didn’t even wait a beat for Daphne to respond. [color=#d02b3b]“It’s cute.”[/color] Bex lowered her hand. [color=#d02b3b]“Your hair on the other hand needs to be shortened and layered. It brings down your face. You have a cherubic smile. Don’t let it drown in gender norms—”[/color] she leaned in, her breath warm and the smell of her like a crackling fire, [color=#d02b3b]“because you are the only one here, in my opinion, with balls.”[/color] Bex pulled away and winked. Her eyes went to the screens behind Daphne, and she pushed past the other woman to approach them. She left her things sitting in the middle of the room. Bex didn’t expect anyone to grab them, but it was apparent that no one was showing her where she’d be living during this fun “adventure” in a children’s afternoon show. Her lips, covered in the color “heartthrob”, twisted. [color=#d02b3b]“A circus, really?”[/color] She still idly spun her phone. [color=#d02b3b]“People still go to those? Or are you guys just returning your clown costumes?”[/color] It was then that she pointed at the young man in the three-piece suit. [color=#d02b3b]“Chippendales, over here, looks excited.”[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [sup][b][color=#d02b3b]INTERACTION(S)[/color] |[/b] Daph [@dreamingflowers] & "Chippendales" [@Crimson Flame][/sup]