[CENTER][I][h1][color=Green]Juan[/color][/h1][/i][/CENTER] [Color=lightblue]Time:[/color] Evening [Color=lightblue]Location:[/color] Los Angeles, Train Station [Color=lightblue]Interaction: [@Meleck] [@chulance][/color] [hr] [quote=@Chulance] The age of the altered was upon them and he didn’t have a minute to waste. He used his power to infiltrate the minds of Marie & Juan. Using his telepathic powers he caused them all to appear in a different realm of existence. Instead of a train station the three of them alone appeared in a lush garden full of vegetation, fresh fruit & wild-life. In reality they had gone nowhere physically, Jason had merely zapped up their subconscious into a telepathic realm while simultaneously rendering there existing personalities control of their physical bodies still able to carry out communication & any other goals they needed to acquire. Within the telepathic realm Jason used his power to instill an emotion of calmness into the two as he approached them with a smile on his lips. [b][Color=lightblue]“Hello Juan, Hello Marie. Forgive me for all of this, I know it’s quite sudden. But do not be alarmed, my name is Jason. I’m an altered human with the power to manipulate thoughts & move objects with my mind alone. As you may have noticed it is quit dangerous for our kind these days, I’m to assume your on the way to San Francisco because of it’s declared status as a sanctuary. At least that’s why Juan Is here, and you Marie are his guardian correct? First off we have not physically left the train station, this is merely an illusion manifested with my power within the private shared collective space of our subconscious. Regardless if this conversation goes on for say twenty minutes, by the time it’s over no more then a minute or two will. Pass in the real world. Anyway I’ve come to you with an offer, that being unlimited protection & wealth for the small price of joining forces with me in forging a new world. One where soldiers assigned to protect us won’t turn a blind eye to a woman In distress getting beat by thugs just for being different.”[/color][/b] As Jason spoke, he made angelic wings appear behind him as well as a glowing illuminated yellow halo over his head. [b][Color=lightblue]“So how about it then, have I managed to obtain your interest?”[/color][/b] Jason finished his voice echoing about in this imaginary world formed by his telepathic abilities. [/quote] Juan could not help to take notice to the world change around him. It made him afraid. City kids are not exposed to much nature. So he held on on to Marie’s left hand. Marie spoke when he let her, “First, you can drop the angel wing bullshit! Anyone who has spent as much time in Catholic School as we have, knows that angels don’t have wings that is some Persian crap. Second, what is it that you are really offering us? Money, power, drugs…” She let her street self come shining through her language and her body language. “He’s not a fighter,” she said to Jason. “He gets beat up at school weekly,” she continued. Juan looked up at Jason and thought, “I am smarter than they think. I can do things and I hear things that people do not realize I understand.” Juan sends Jason visions of him picking the school door lock and pick pocketing from a bully. “I learn quickly,” he thinks. “She likes expensive clothes and fancy things. She wants to study to be a doctor so she can help people,” Juan thought to Jason. Juan put a wall up to block Marie from hearing his thoughts. “I want to have a safe place…” he smiled at Jason and blushed. He was a teenage boy in the throws of having his brain drenched in testosterone and other hormones with a match tossed in to light it.