[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210831/e17c9d57a71af54e961beb6f39c58e5d.png[/img] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/lz6cwGBEsuZibc2Mve/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611553f63f4c3414e1e4ea93110ce1044db3147178d&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/7ff0287292b05f679feabf417811dcd9e120cc5d/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f3047456e4855696c4964706d6b673d3d2d3931353337383539312e313631656366666637363066663137353934323333353538343035302e676966[/img] Location(s): Freedom Festival; Robotics Booth Interactions: [color=ccffcc]Cassian Bishop[/color] and [color=ffccff]Natasha Knight[/color][/center] Cassian could feel that Natasha's enrgy was off ever since they parted ways with his sister. Though if he were being honest her energy was kind of off since homeroom. Things were fine with her this morning and the night before so what happened between then and now? It couldn't have been that they had Goldman for homeroom. If he recalled correctly she loved her class when she took it her Freshman year. He eyed her curiously and cautiously not sure what to say to figure out what was going on with her. Natasha felt Cassian's eyes on her and sighed before making things easier for him by speaking first. [color=ffccff]"I can feel you staring, Cass. What?"[/color] She spit the last word out with a bit of unexpected venom. She hadn't realized she was this upset and it was the first time her bitch face was active instead of resting. Cassian winced and recoiled at her verbal assault. He was right and it seemed that her bad energy was directed towards him. [color=ccffcc]"I can feel the intensity of your vibe all the way over here. You good, man?"[/color] Natasha quickly stopped in her tracks and turned around whipping her hair forward in the process. She pushed the strands from in front of her face and gave Cassian a complete look of disapproval. [color=ffccff]"I'm not good. Why did you tell your sister to stand back in homeroom?"[/color] He was taken aback by the question. That was what all this anger was for? Because he didn't let his sister sit down during the pledge? And if it was an issue then... He decided not to finish the thought and instead responded to her question with another question to express his obvious confusion. [color=ccffcc]"That's what you're mad about? I thought you didn't even care about that stuff."[/color] She rolled her eyes in response. [color=ffccff]"I don't. Not really, but your sister does. She cares about it all. How do you think she felt standing while Monse sat down?"[/color] Cass reflectively shoved and immediately realized it was the wrong gesture, but wasn't one he could take back now. [color=ccffcc]"I don't know. I didn't think it was that big of deal. She didn't fight me on it."[/color] [color=ffccff]"It's a big deal to her and you know she listens to you and hates feeling like she lets you down. Why do you think she smacked you awake after the assembly?"[/color] Cassian rubbed his cheek where his sister had slapped him awake. He did feel like there was a lot more force in her hand than usual. Was she really upset with him too? [color=ccffcc]"She was just fine a second ago. Are you sure you're not projecting right now?"[/color] It took everything in Natasha Knight not to smack some sense into her best friend's dumbass stupid looking head, but her self control and common sense saved both him and her from letting her frustration of getting the best of her. Instead she clenched her fist and counted silently in her head until she no longer wished to kill him for the stupidity that came out of his mouth. She released her fist and her words followed soon after. [color=ffccff]"I can't believe you just said that and because you can't possibly be thinking I'm going to blame it on your current decline of brain cells and that you're still barely awake. Do some critical thinking for once, Cass. Ali is one of two, maybe three juniors in a senior homeroom. This is her time to make a name for herself as she's going to be taking things over at Delbrook for us. Instead you held her back and now once she sits down tomorrow all it'll be is an echo of Monse sitting today."[/color] Cassian blinked for a few seconds taking sometime to completely register his own stupidity. In his mind he had just been looking out for his sister and didn't want her to get in trouble, but all he did was hold her back and stop her from being herself. All he and his mom ever preached to her was for her to be herself no mattter what and let no one or anything stand in her way. She took that literally, but it seemed she held an exception when it came to her brother. He was disappointed in himself. Both for holding her back and for not seeing what was so painfully obvious. [color=ccffcc]"I'm---"[/color] [color=ffccff]"Going to fix this?"[/color] Natasha said finishing his sentence for him. [color=ffccff]"You better. Don't come back until you do. Your sister is too precious for her light to be dimmed."[/color] Before he could say anything else to make her upset she turned away from him and continued on to the robotics booth leaving him standing there with a task of his own.