[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0xs4xZC.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img] Location: The Lounge Interactions: Everyone really[/center] In the middle of the briefing, two new members barged in. They were the replacements for Hex and Gold Rush. All though he would never say it out loud, Zach was actually glad they were gone. Felix was compettion as far as he was concerned. He was the star of this group, and the last thing he needed was someone else he had to compete against. The same applied for Casper, but not for fame but for magic. He never understood why Zatanna tried to mentor him in the first place. They didn’t practice the same magic, and Casper was perfectly capable on his own. Zatanna did not need another protégé, she already had him. Not to mention, Casper was just plain creepy… Zach was disappointed that they had brought in two girls to replace them though. He was hoping for some new hot guys to add to the group… Oh well… At least one of them had style. She entered with a display of her sword wielding abilities. Zach wouldn’t go so far as to say he was impressed, but amused was probably the right word. [color=darkviolet]“Great, if you put on something like that entrance, you’ll have a worthwhile act.”[/color] The other girl was shaping up to be the Regina George of this group… Although, Regina was way more stylish… And definitely had more class… She made some comments to Batman, and he was taking none of her crap. Zach didn’t get a chance to acknowledge her at the moment, Kassy asked him a question, and Zach immediately answered. [color=darkviolet]“Yes you could. I’m sure the audience would be thrilled to see a real life Mermaid sing for them.”[/color] The wanabe Mean Girl made more comments, and Zach scoffed. [color=darkviolet]“Girl really? Chippendales? That’s the best you got? Chippendales Dancers are hot! If you really want to be the Regina George of this group, you’re gonna have to try a little harder. K hun?”[/color] He then turned his attention to the rest of the group. [color=darkviolet]“Guys, make sure you’re act is good. I know we’re on a mission, but that’s no reason for us to have a shitty performance.”[/color]