Mika listened to what he said about his dad and nodded lightly, careful to not headbutt him in the process as she did so. She knew he was right, she was only disliked because of the knock on effect she had on Dean, she just had to keep reminding herself of that fact, or in this case, have Dean remind her of that fact. It didn't mean it didn't hurt though deep down as as a kid she remembered really respecting John Winchester. That was of course before she truly found out how he treated his boys and then the respect went downhill. She kissed him back just deeply, also reminding herself that it had to stop at the kiss and not let their feelings for each other or their past habits of letting it go further happen. They weren't truly safe until they were out of town. She smiled at him when he pulled away, pecking her lips then saying they really should get back on track. "yeah, you're right" she smiled softly, despite whim frowning a bit at the reality in front of them. She pecked his lips back before letting him go and grab his clothes as she also grabbed her clothes that she had set aside before they got utterly distracted. Picking her clothes off the floor that had at some point been kicked off the bed where she originally had them laid out, she got dressed standing up to pull her leggings up her legs before pulling her boots on once more lastly. She chuckled and smiled fondly but widely at his toothy grin that always made her heart flutter. "you and me both. Especially now we have the nicer bigger bed" she agreed, going to her bag and grabbing it to put anything she had laying around inside and then zipping it up. Slinging it over her shoulder she looked around for her jacket before laying eyes on it over the back of one of the chairs and walking over to it and picking it up. Rummaging in her pocket she pulled her car keys out. "fancy driving back?" she asked him, holding the keys out to him.