[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/871254108991012894/widow.png[/img] [color=D9381e][b][centre]Finding Fury - Black Widow Tie In #3 Location - Novi Grad, Sokovia.[/centre][/b][/color] [hr] The town square was busy today, on the paved ground there was plenty of tables and seats set out along with some makeshift shelters. Families were relaxing, some busy workers were taking a quick breather from their shift to get something to eat or just to have a breather. And then there was just people going about whatever they had planned for today, shopping, going to the cinema, there was a few obvious tourists but not many. Sokovia had seen much better times, it had always been a poor country but in the time of the Soviet Union, as artificial as it may have been it had some resemblance of a burgeoning industry, one that sadly withered away after the fall of the Eastern Bloc. Even worse after that it became somewhat of a hotbed for corruption and a warzone for any faction that was looking to make a powergrab, after all having a small nation under your thumb and at your mercy was a rather resplendent prize. Natasha sat silently at a table nursing a glass of lemonade, she was wearing a casual black tracksuit outfit, her long red hair tied up into a bun. A pair of dark sunglasses rested on the bridge of her nose and she casually scrolled through her phone as she waited. Alexei noisily approached the table in his plain white shirt and dark blue jeans. With two large glasses of beer, both for him, in hand he sat himself down at the table. [color=C8A951]"Oh Natalya, you best get yourself a proper drink now while you still can."[/color] [color=D9381e]"I'll take that to mean we are finally getting a move on?"[/color] Natasha would routinely scan the surrounding area, taking a good cautious look at all the people that would pass by, getting as good as a read she could from them. From the moment she had sat down at the town square she knew that at least several groups had been watching her. Although many were likely not for reasons that were pertinent to the mission. [color=C8A951]"Of course. Although the middle of the day may not be the best time for this no?"[/color] [color=D9381e]"Whether it is the middle of the day or the dead of night it is all the same to me."[/color] [color=C8A951]"Yes... I believe you. I have gotten better at the covert and quiet operations over the years Natalya, but I also know that any advantage cannot hurt to have."[/color] [color=D9381e]"Then we can make our way in tonight. We know how many men they have on guard, we know the routes of their patrols, and I am sure we will have confirmation on who they are as soon as we get through."[/color] [color=C8A951]"Hmmph, my money is still on Hydra but these days it is hard to say huh? Still, it strikes me as slightly odd that they seem to have such a light presence here."[/color] [color=D9381e]"Perhaps that is by design? I can think of a myriad of reasons for wanting to have a low a profile as possible. Two of them being the Avengers and the Justice League to start."[/color] [color=C8A951]"I see your point. But still, I feel a little insulted, like they do not see us as a threat to even keep an eye on us."[/color] [color=D9381e]"Don't worry. We have had eyes on us since the quinjet dropped us off.[/color] Alexei looking a little shocked tried to mask his reaction and did his best to continue to act natural. [color=C8A951]"Seriously? Usually I could tell something like that."[/color] [color=D9381e]"It might do you good to save the drinking for later Alexei."[/color] With a grin Alexei retorted. [color=C8A951]"Come now, that would only throw me off."[/color] [color=D9381e]"And for what it's worth, I wouldn't feel bad about not noticing it. If I am being honest, I can't tell who they are or where they are. Only that every now and then they are there."[/color] Natalya gives a serious look to Alexei. [color=C8A951]"So it's like that huh?"[/color] He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times. Natalya leisurely finishes off her glass of lemonade, Alexei does not touch his beers. Leaving the glasses on the table, one empty and two full the pair stand up from their table and make their way through the town square towards a car that was handed over to them by S.H.I.E.L.D on their arrival. On the drive back to their temporary lodgings in the city they went on several detours, just to do some due diligence in throwing off any potential tails. Although Natasha knew that it would be useless if whoever she had been feeling watch them had been doing so.