[@Crimson Lion] The mobile armor's next movement told Riku all he needed to know. The pilot was out of options and was opting to try and deliberately crash them all to the ground, "Naoki, disengage! She's trying to take us down with her!" he warned his teammate over the comms. But unfortunately, as long as the Mobile Armor's propulsion system still worked, she'd just keep trying to ram them. That left Riku with one option to end this for good... and he wasn't particularly fond of the idea. He was gonna have to get close again, and try to kill her power-plant in order to disable her propulsion system. Of course that meant that he would be in danger of being dragged down with her if he couldn't pull out fast enough once the damage was done. "Go ahead and check on Kai's status, Naoki... I'll finish this one off myself." Riku finally said over the comms. He really wasn't thrilled about this plan, but it was the only feasible one he could pull off. The Shin Musha made another lunge for the Apsaras II. Given that it was actively trying to ram them, it wouldn't be hard for him to aim his strike where he wanted. He pointed the blade straight ahead of him, aiming for a thrust right into the underside of the Mobile Armor. This particular model was able to fly due to a special propulsion system powered by its Minovsky Fusion Reactor. The reactor itself would be located behind the protective armor of the machine, but would require a direct connection to the propulsion surface in order to power the Minovsky Craft System currently keeping it afloat. Riku's plan was surprisingly simple. If he could wedge his blade deep enough through the underside, there was a chance the blade would penetrate the reactor's I-field. This would cause it to start feeding energy directly to the sword, where the energy absorbing hilt awaited to collect a percentage of the excess energy. The combination of Izanagi's draining effect along with the leak the blade would cause in the reactor would theoretically drain the Apsaras II of it's remaining power, and pretty rapidly. The trick was that Riku needed to get himself out of there before he could be dragged down by the plummeting machine. And he really only had one surefire way to accomplish the last part. He needed the Izanagi to absorb enough particles from the reactor to use one more Shining Flash. Hopefully this only took a few seconds, but those few second would be rather dangerous in this particular scenario. Still, once he had collected enough energy, he made the blade once again glow with red particle energy, producing an outer aura around it to enhance its length and cutting power, "...S-Shining Flash!" Riku put as much power has he could spare into making the Gunpla fly back upwards, while the rest of the excess energy went into the Shining Flash. If he calculated this right, the empowered blade would cut its way up through the Mobile Armor thanks to being supercharged by the Shining Flash. If all went well, this would get Riku out of danger and potentially slice the mobile armor in two to finish it off for good.