[h3][b]Tohsaka Kyoko Miyama District, Tohsaka Residence[/b][/h3] [color=fff200][i]"Oh, do not worry, Lancer. The reason I pursue an alliance with the other two founding families has little to do with bolstering our offensive power."[/i][/color] Brimming confidence, that was one thing the two women had in common. With more than a couple of subspecies grail wars under her belt, you'd expect the young heir to understand exactly what Apollo is talking about. Whereas humanity shines bright against a foreign enemy, when it comes to fighting one another, all of its ugliness surfaces without reservation. As such, claiming victory after drawing a single strong card is nothing more than wishful thinking; a delusion of grandeur. And yet, the blonde magus raised no objection to Lancer's declaration. On the contrary, if her answer was anything to go by, she saw no real need for additional military force. What she sought was something else entirely. [color=fff200][i]"My goal is to restore this ritual to what it once was: A duel between three families for the chance to claim the single seat that connects to the root. To me, igniting a revival of its former glory, helping it recover its true identity... Is just as important as victory itself. To jump at each other's throats from the very start would be counterproductive. After all, if such a fateful match took place at the very beginning of this tale... Then whatever battles follow would surely not be as exciting, don't you think so...?"[/i][/color] A real traditionalist, that was who Tohsaka Kyoko was. Approaching the Servant with gentle steps, there was something in her motion that denoted outstanding grace. It could never compare to Lancer's regal splendor, but it spoke of a beauty that had not yet been entirely lost in modern times. There was no hesitation or unnatural movement. In essence, she did not fear Lancer, not because of her sword loyalty, but rather because of all the lessons that had brought her to this point. Placing her tender hands over Lancer's arms, the heir politely reminded the Heroic Spirit of just how strong her grip was on the poor sheep held in her embrace. It was only a moment, and then Kyoko moved on. That was as much as she could do to help Apollo, who had most likely dug a grave of his own, both during the present and at some point in the past. [color=fff200][i]"An outcome where all three families get to the very last stage... I can't imagine our ancestors wanting it to be any other way."[/i][/color] A few moments later, picking up the presence of two guests, the magus decided to put the rest of the conversation on hold in order to greet their visitors. Surprise was not the expression she wore when she opened the doors of her mansion to them. Rather... [color=fff200][i]"Idalisviel, Liesa. Come on in, make yourselves at home."[/i][/color] Rather, she looked rather pleased, as if thinking to herself 'some things never change'. Instead of questioning Idalisviel condition or their Master's whereabouts and motives as many would have done, she quickly accepted things as facts with a smile before moving on. To a common bystander such behavior might appear to be either remarkable or outright terrifying. However, there was no ill-intent in words nor actions. This was merely Kyoko's strength as a Magus. [color=fff200][i]"I am sure we have a great deal to discuss."[/i][/color] [@Cu Chulainn][@Turboshitter][@SSW]