[quote=@Meta] Believe it or not— *You shred the hand without any difficulty* That's what I'm best at! *Large mechanical boots form over my feet and I let the artillery shred my back, but my flesh seems to form out of the colorful flickers at a faster rate the more I take damage, which propels me into you with a forceful kick* [/quote] *Takes the hit with a bellow, my body fracturing into thousands of individual pieces due to the force of the impact. Despite this, you hear an all too familiar voice ring out in your head mere seconds later* [color=violet][i]Oh dear, it looks like the insect made a mistake![/i][/color] *Chuckles* [color=violet][i]Then again, how could you have fathomed my true plan? I never mentioned needing to land on a planet wholesale, after all...[/i][/color] *It is now that you see it. The height at which my body was fragmented and splintered was not enough to ensure the leftovers would burn because of the insane amounts of friction, and now they are - several thousand of them - continuing their journey to the surface below. The very same place from which you can see hundreds of thermonuclear warheads rapidly approaching* [color=violet][i]You were a brief amusement worm, and because of that I'll make their deaths painless and quick. They shall fall believing they are becoming one with their god, because in an ironic sort of way, they are.[/i][/color] *A cruel and mocking laughter fills your head as the warheads draw close and closer still! And then...* [color=violet][i]Checkmate. Goodbye, worm.[/i][/color]