Tyrhallan cleared a path with such terrifying ease that the Vaimese soldiers barely had time to cry out. Fatebringer gleamed and sang a song of blood. He rarely sidestepped, in order to at least offer some cover for Alexa and Tobias who he knew were close behind him. His limited movement however did not make his dance any less lethal. He moved with such fluidity and speed that he almost seemed he disappeared only to reappear up close, becoming a white and red blur. He deflected blow and bullet, showing his skill and mastery of not only his reflexes and ki, but of his swordsmanship as well. Either pushing the offensive weapon aside or making sure the enemy didn’t get a chance to fire. When the braver of the Vaimese attempted to charge him, Tyrhallan’s eyes barely changed offering them a cold predatory, one that promised only pain and a gasping end as his sword buried itself deeply in their chest or throat. A higher ranking officer rushed in, hoping to catch Tyrhallan off guard. Tyrhallan blocked him as he pulled Fatebringer out of its latest victim, smoothly pressing on, pushing the officer back as he quickened the pace of his attacks. The terror quickly displaced the anger on the officer’s face as he started to realize how outmatched he truly was, barely keeping up with Tyrhallan before his sword was knocked to the side leaving him open and the instantaneous pain followed as he received a pommel to his face, dazing him and thereby only seeing a shaky blur stab upwards. A boot to the chest kicked him to the ground, death cold fingers embracing him as he lay in an ever growing pool of his own blood. His body still struggling, convulsing as fingers grasped desperately at the fading light as the light in his eyes dimmed slowly. Tyrhallan however had moved on, mowing down several others like him securing the stairway on the outside of the frigate leading to the bridge. After he had made it to the stairs he ordered Alexa to go up and allowed himself to cast a look back behind him. The deck was littered with bodies, but his eyes were merely looking for movement and potential danger. When it seemed clear he told Tobias to keep their path of escape free as he dashed up the steps catching up with Alexa and telling her to set the mine against the glass and activate it. In front of his eyes he watched her place it against the glass timer facing towards them, stepping back. Panicked shouts sounded from inside as Tyrhallan pressed the switch for activation before he grabbed her and threw himself off the platform. These things had a short fuse and a wide field of destruction, it was why they were officially banned and deemed to dangerous to be used. He activated the boosters in his armour so he would not break their legs as they descended down to the deck again. “To the edge!” Tyrhallan ordered as he urged Tobias onward. Mere seconds later a huge explosion shook the ship and the metal screamed out as it was torn to shreds. The ship after that started to slant rigorously as those on deck grabbed a hold of something to remain on it as the metal beast lurched and ran straight into one of the other frigates that was in the battle formation. “Hold on tightly!” Tyrhallan said looping his arms around the mage and fellow knight before leaping off the ship before his jetpack and boosters fired up again, making them soar for a short moment, before he made his way to another ship.