Tobin held a perpetual grimace as he came in third behind Tyrhallan and Alexa. Both knights, have almost similar battle styles, though to the mage all knights just swung their swords around, cleared the deck of possible enemies. The efficiency and deadliness of the silver haired lord was jaw dropping. It made sense why the Knight Captain chose to wear the crimson armor of his. Any other color would have soon been stained with blood. [color=00aeef]“Note to self….dont ever get on Captain Venray’s bad side”[/color] the young man said under his breath. He remembered how efficient at killing his own master was. They had different ways of sending people to their deaths but the aura that was projected by Arn and Tyrhallan was basically the same. As it was, from his vantage point, the young mage could see the armor gleaming in spots where the few specks of blood had managed to land on the armor from otherwise clean kills. The deck because red with blood and gore. If Belisio had a battalion of people as skilled as Tyrhallan, the Viemese would have been hard pressed to invade. Movement to the left of him made Tobi shoot another concentrated beam of light. The would be sniper yelled as his eyes were literaly seared from his body. The young mage knew that battle and death went hand in hand but he had never seen such loss of life. Their skirmishes with bandits and pirates ended very quickly. Probably because Arn cleared entire decks by himself. Seeing the dead bodies of his squad mates, Tobin understdood the master mage’s commitment to be first, to be the best and to keep every one safe. The young mage uttered a silent promise to Lornias and Valen and Frer. [color=00aeef]“I promise you boys, I will make sure your sacrifices were not in vain. I will get stronger. Lend me your strength”.[/color] Alexa’s view however, was one of fanatical adoration. Her lovely blue eyes took in every move the blade dancer made. At least the ones she could see. Even with her training, he was as much a blur to her as the unfortunate soldiers he dispatched. She felt she was seeing an artist. So beautiful were the movements that she started to tear up. She shook her head, clearing her eyes of the crystalline tears. Just in time too, as from a depression to her right, a soldier stood up and jabbed at her with a long spear. She parried the blow using the flat of her blade and spinning into it, she allowed the long shaft of the spear to roll along her stomach. With a back hand swing, she caught the man at the other end just under the helmet slicing his neck and throat. The move cause her to loose some ground and she had to rush to catch up to Tyrhallan who had must reached the stairway and was calling for her. In a fluid motion she sheathed her sword and got to him as quickly as she could. Using one hand on the railing and one hand to secure the mine, she climbed as quickly as she could, felt a few bullets swish by her and she instinctively ducked but made her ways up the short flight of stairs. Tyrhallan tasked the young mage from ensuring that they all would be able to retreat. [color=00aeef]“What the fuck am I supposed to do, blind them to death?”[/color] he thought to himself but obediently and efficiently picked up a weapon from the deck and a few other magazines and barricaded himself behind some debris and shot at any approaching from behind them or to the sides. He was a decent shot, all mages underwent weapon’s and close combat training. After all, there were times when the mage could not just rely on the Aether. Alexa did as the Knight Captain commanded and placed the mine against the glass. She saw the look of horror and the panicked retreat of those inside. She hand only heard about the poor fool who had made the mistake of messing with such a mine and had managed to be immortalized as a regulation in the rules and regulations of the knights. Based on the reactions she saw from beyond the glass, maybe the mandate the prohibited such weapons was well founded. The Knight Captain forcefully grabbed her off and they both jumped off. The distance would have been too much on her legs if the white haired man had not utilized his booster pack. She had planned to jump off anyways and infused her legs with some Ki and tucked and roll but maybe that would not have been enough. She might be young and barely out of being a cadet. In fact, she still did not even haver her own insignia, her shield rank still bare, but she was a capable fighter. All the Brightwind’s took their training seriously. Their motto was [b]“Trial Through Arms”[/b]. This meant that for them, being proficient was a way of life and the only way to uphold their honor. Having the honor of fighting and learning next to the Venray’s they were bound to made her feel ecstatic. It could also be the adrenalin running through her veins. [color=ed1c24]“To the edge!”[/color] Tobin heard the strong commanding voice of the Knight Captain shout. Even if he did not know the man personally and trusted him, the command would have still made him abandon his firing position and run like hell next to them. A few shots rang out and one grazed him on the shoulder. The young mage hissed but he did not stop. The explosion that rocked the ship was made him stumble. Strong arms closed in around his waist. Tobin weighed next to nothing for a young man. In fact, it was possible Alexa had more muscles mass than the lad. [color=ed1c24]“Hold on tightly!”[/color] The young mage was not too proud to secure himself against the taller stronger knight as the trio jumped into the air, a burst as the contusion wave that followed the explosion propelled them forward at break neck speeds. They all could probably feel the heat of the explosion as the mine decimated the ship which was already on a collision course with its nearby neighbor. [color=00aeef]“Arn was right…fucking knights are crazy!”[/color] The young man thought looking back at the ball of fire and sounds of warning bells and whistles.