[h3][Center][color=E610B8]Tales of Genosha: For We Are Many[/color][/center][/h3][hr] [Color=E610B8]"What in the hell..."[/color] Was all that could escape from Harry's lips as it floated out barely a whisper. He wasn't sure if this was proof towards the places leaders being bad, but it certainly was weird and off-putting. Harry opened up the vent that led down into the room, duplicating himself and grabbing his own wrist to help lower himself down. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he began to look about and grab his surroundings, making sure no one was around. He thought out into no where in particular [i][color=E610B8]"Hello?[/color][/i] There was a muffled sound coming from inside of the pod - was there someone trapped inside of it? And given how Genosha seemed to have no problems with what anyone had done before coming there... what did someone have to do in order to be kept inside of a pod? Was it safe to approach and open it? Harry circled the pod cautiously, inspecting the egg like case as he did. Midway into his inspection he created a duplicate of himself, completing the circle to have one of himself at each side. If someone dangerous was being kept inside, he could tell least try to ambush them. But given who's place he was at, it was more likely to believe that Magneto had trapped some poor innocent mutant that crossed him the wrong way, or merely threatened to dissolve a plan of lunacy. Harry tried to find some pannel, anything that could clue him in on how to open the pod, but there was nothing. [Color=E610B8]"I can't seem to find an opening, but don't worry I'm here to help you."[/color] He paused, thinking for a moment. [Color=E610B8]"Just...mind if I can know who it is I'm speaking to?"[/color] "David," a young man's voice squeaked out from inside the pod. "I-I can't breathe in here." [Color=E610B8]"David. Nice name, so's Dave. I'm going to need you to relax now Dave. The more anxious you get the more you'll breathe and it'll cause you to feel like you can't breathe."[/color] Harry tried to keep talking, keep whoever David was distracted enough till he could help him. As he spoke he began searching for a way to open the machine and finally found a voice panel most likely accessed by a password. No doubt Magentos voice was needed. [Color=E610B8]"Good news, I found a panel, I need a password though. Any chance you've heard Magento say it? Or maybe what it might be?."[/color] He paused to let David think for a moment, before continuing. [Color=E610B8]"And don't worry about the voice thing, I'm quite good at altering my own."[/color] Harry said using Magnetos voice. "I-it isn't Magneto," David's voice came out timidly. "The password... It's... It's Legion..." [Color=E610B8]"What do you mean it's not Magneto? Then who did this?"[/color] Harry asked, confusion clear in his tone. Everything here pointed straight to Magento, and if it wasn't him then he was either an accomplice or being framed. He did not like the idea of someone trying to frame Magneto, as it would not end well for anyone. Harry grit his teeth before walking up to the voice panel and staring at it for a brief moment. Who was David? Why was he trapped? And what could the term 'Legion' possibly mean? None of that mattered now, for all Harry knew this was some horrid experiment being done to this man and they just called the project Legion. Perhaps it was someone with his ability to self duplicate, but to a higher degree. Either way he stepped up to the panel and finally spoke the password. [Color=E610B8]"Legion"[/color] "Magneto didn't do this to me. It was a w-woman. A-a-a blonde woman," the young man cried. [i]"Voice not recognized,"[/i] a computerized voice chimed. The only person that Harry could think of that fit David's description was Emma Frost. His jaw clenched as the machine told him the voice was incorrect and helped solidify David's words. What was Emma up to? And was Magneto playing alongside her or did she have his mind somehow? After all he wasn't wearing his helmet so perhaps that was it. Harry didn't like making excuses for the mutant extremist but perhaps he was right to. [Color=E610B8]"Legion"[/color] He said once more, now mimicking Emma Frosts voice.