[color=f1c40f]Time: [/color]10am [color=f1c40f]Location: [/color]The ship, namely the cargo hold. On the deck of the ship, or wherever the food is currently. [color=f1c40f]Interactions:[/color] [@Alivefalling] Barboda [@Tae] Lizzie [@Helo] Nym [@Potter] Tigerlily [@Benzaiten] Elaine [@princess] Helio [color=f1c40f]Equipment:[/color] The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape [color=f1c40f]"Ah a fellow light elf. This is good. Though...I don't think we've ever met. Matter of fact, it seems strange that you're even in Port Vanarosa, eh, lassie?"[/color] Tesoro spoke, eyes glancing towards Elaine momentarily before returning towards the search for sustenance. There were quite a few different folks on deck. Tesoro, in his search for food, tried to take stock of everyone on board. So, what is known to Tesoro right now is that there is Lizzie, a woman not yet familiar with her own potential powers. There is the bounty hunter. He might become a thorn in the future. There is another light elf looked a bit too prim and proper for piracy. He also spotted a man with bright red hair. A dark elf. He gritted his teeth and huffed out a heavy breath. He was about to speak on the matter to anyone that was listening but he spots another woman. There was something to this woman that shook up something within him. A bad feeling, if you could. Tesoro took a moment and a better look at this woman. The morning sun seemed to be reflecting off of something from this woman. Tesoro tilted his head while looking and then noticed that it wasn't some sort of clothing. It was her legs. Scales. On her legs. A mermaid. A sea wench. Sailor's Doom. [color=f1c40f]"YOU! GET OFF THIS SHIP! WE DON'T NEED YOUR KI-"[/color] Tesoro was flung into a fearful rage at the sight of a mermaid. In all of his years of pirating, he has never physically met one. Though the tales themselves are frightening enough. As Tesoro was going to continue his tirade and possible attempt on the woman's life, a voice called out to him and interrupted him... Turning to see the demihuman Nym, Tesoro grinned an replied [color=f1c40f]"Nah, the life of a gutter rat never left me, mate. It seems that you've at least heard of me. I've also heard of you. White hair, grey skin, gills. Nym. Long time no see. And you've heard of me, you know that I can get this ship in shape to weigh anchor with my eyes closed. I have but one question. Yes, that lassie wants us to embark in twenty minutes, but has anyone taken stock of supplies? Food, water, medicine? Do we even know a heading? Any sort of weather on the horizon? Come mate. Surely you're better than this. A heart for adventure and a desire for treasure simply won't cut it. I'd really like to know that you have a plan before setting sail. Otherwise, you might be seen as an incompetent first mate...Beside, you've gotten dull in your days. You have a mermaid in your midst. Or did your fish brains let her beauty entrance you?"[/color] Tesoro said, still grinning. Sure. He doesn't have the answer to the questions he just posed but if someone is going to be barking orders at him, they'd better have their shit together...