Marianna's omni-tool beeped. Frowning, the young woman took a quick look at it: a message from Tzvi and Kygg: the security room was done for. However... that still left the distraction, the vault and... [i]Shit, whose job was it to take out the engine room? Oh... it was Roland's, and he got captured. Where's Jeanna, I wonder... [/i] Marianna scanned around for any sign of the cybernetic soldier, but there was nothing for it. She glanced up at Thatian, who was absent-mindedly staring over at the bar area. It probably wouldn't hurt to leave him to his dream world. Marianna got to her feet and had another quick look around, searching for any guards whose attention she might attract - after all, she didn't want to do a Roland on it, though the chances of that occurring would be comparatively small with the main security room out of action. [i]That can't be the 'only' security hub on the ship...[/i], she thought to herself as she made her way over towards the staff entrance into the aft decks of the ship. A guard stood there, watching her closely. He started to speak as she came closer. "Sorry, miss, this is for staff only. What'cha looking for?" It was a gruff human voice. Marianna looked him over. She could potentially take the guy down, but it probably would be a bad idea in the middle of the guest halls. However... he should have really reported to the security room, surely? Unless there was a secondary hub elsewhere in the ship, which would make sense, but also complicate the mission. Nevertheless, it had to be inquired about. Marianna figured she'd ask a loaded question. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see the sign there... Say, what's with all of the commotion around the bar area? I mean, there wasn't any trouble, was there?" "No, ma'am, just some merc gettin' uppity with my CO. Speakin' of which, I ain't heard from the CO in a bit, and he said he'd get back to us after he'd sorted stuff out in Hub Alpha." Marianna went straight for the jugular. This guy seemed rather 'thick', and it would be wise to press home the question. Marianna knew exactly who was in the security room - Roland, Tzvi, Kygg, and apparently some merc who had punched the Salarian in the face earlier at the bar fight. Mari figured the salarian would be out cold from any kind of conflict in the security room, and that this guy might just be dumb enough to go see if he needed help. "Do you think something might have happened to your CO? Maybe his omni-tool's out of action and he needs backup?" "Nah, the CO could handle himself. Besides- well..." The guard seemed to double-take on the CO (who was the salarian Marianna had seen being punched in the face) being able to handle himself. "Anyhow, what'chu takin' such an interest in it for, anyway?" He looked at Marianna sternly; she knew she'd pushed it too far. "Don't be gettin' any funny ideas, blue-skin. I think the CO might want a word with ya about this - already caught one blockhead back in the aft deck." He pointed his gun at Marianna. "C'mon, don't make this tough fer yerself. Go in front." Mari desperately tried to fish something out of this situation. "I wouldn't know where to go, I'm hardly someone who knows the layout of the ship." The guard scratched his chin. "True. I suppose I'd best keep you in line. Follow me, and don't try anything stupid." He opened the door and walked through, looking back to see if Marianna followed him. "Good girl. Now, follow me." Marianna closed the door behind her and gave a small smile. "I don't think so." She charged up her Barrier and rushed at the guard, slamming her fist into his face with almost inhuman strength, breaking the human's nose and stunning him with the force of the blow. Almost simultaneously, she grabbed hold of the wrist he was holding the gun in, and twisted it hard, forcing the guard to his knees as he gave a grunt of pain, whereupon Marianna firstly punched the man in the face again, before following it up with an elbow, finally knocking him unconscious as it connected with his left temple. The guard crumpled to the floor, motionless and bleeding profusely from his face. Marianna looked at her omni-tool and thought about slitting his throat, but she decided against it for the time being, and dragged the body of the guard over into a small, darkened alcove where several pipes mostly blocked the vision of anyone passing by. It would be a long time before that guy woke up, and it would probably be with a headache so bad he'd wish he hadn't woken up - for all intents and purposes, he was out of the picture. Marianna reached down and took the guard's pistol from him; only a ERCS Striker, and a really crap one at that, but it would do the trick - if it hit, of course, which was far from guaranteed with Strikers. But before she even began to entertain thoughts of a gunfight, she needed to find the equipment that had been stashed away - they might need it for a secondary assault by... whichever merc group was acting as 'guard duty'. She opened her omni-tool and scanned for any life-signs within the local area - two to four guards in the main room that she'd just vacated, but none in front of her. Perfect, the exact situation you wanted in any stealth-requiring task: no-one to hear you if you fuck up. Mari readied her pistol and made her way down the corridor, checking her omni-tool's combat scanner for signs of movement. She was able to make out what looked like 6 or so guards in one room... or were they Roland & company? Without IFF, she wouldn't really be able to tell. Up ahead was a bulkhead that separated the forward sections of the ship from the aft corridors, undoubtedly leading to the engine room. Walking as quietly as she could (which was surprisingly quiet for heels on a metal floor), she made her way up to the bulkhead and put her ear to it. On the other side, she could hear the clanking of footsteps - heavy, armoured footsteps to boot, and a whistling made by a human. From the sounds of it, he was walking away... Now was time to get lethal. She tried the valve on the bulkhead - it wasn't locked down, but it was very heavy indeed, and moving it would require not only a great deal of effort, but it would probably make a hell of a racket whilst doing so. "Nothing for it..." Mari whispered as she pushed on the bulkhead door. It opened without a great amount of noise - evidently the maintenance teams had been doing their jobs well, if not the guards. You were 'supposed' to lock those doors behind you, surely, if the ship were to hit a rock and begin to flood? It didn't matter for now, Marianna had a guard to deal with. She crept up behind the guard and wrapped her upper arm below his chin, whilst at the same time she slammed the heel of her hand into the back of the guard's head, snapping the spinal column, killing him instantly. Before he could clatter to the floor, Marianna took hold of the guard's body around his chest and gently laid him down, sparing her any unwanted attention. "Been a long time since I've done that to a guy." she muttered to herself as she pressed ahead, towards the aft of the ship. Ahead was a sign affixed to the wall. Up ahead was towards the engine room, where the equipment was stashed by a helpful member of the crew... helpful because of a fair paycheck, probably, whilst to the right, it mentioned something about a... secondary security room?! "Aft security room? Oh, bloody hell..." Marianna pulled up her omni-tool and scanned the area around her quickly. There were two signatures within the security room, and Marianna wasn't sure if the secondary secroom was linked into the main security room. She sent off a quick message to Roland, Kygg and Tzvi to make sure that any communications to the main security room by the secondary hub were dealt with in a manner that ensured no suspicion - Mari needed to get her silenced Razer rifle before she took care of the aft security room. She continued forward towards the engine room, where she could hear the shouting of men and the noise of the yacht's engines. She could see another bulkhead that separated the aft corridors from the engine room itself. It was open, and in front of the door she could see several crewmen working at the engine's control panels, facing away from her. As she approached the bulkhead, it seemed certain to Mari that she could get inside undetected and find the stash of equipment. She slipped into the engine room and then between a couple of large pipes into a small alcove. There were several large bags. She opened one that seemed to fit an assault rifle's size. Inside there was a note and an assault rifle with a silencer attachment. The note read 'Razer VIII w/ silencer.' in handwriting that seemed remotely familiar. She smiled, took the rifle out of the bag, and placed the Striker inside to lighten her load - the pistol wasn't necessary any more. The bag also contained a single EC-2520 EM Jammer, which also had a note - 'For use in emergencies'. "Well, if I screw this one up, I'll have an emergency on my hands alright." She took the jammer as well, placing it within a pocket, and then took her rifle into her hands, slipping silently out of the alcove. She looked around to see any military presence - there was none, just 4 crew members manning the engine's control panels. She decided to play it safe and ensure none of the crew were able to send out a message if they saw her. She opened fire on the crewmen, killing two of them with shots to the head and middle of the chest and severely injuring the other two, rendering one of them unable to speak and the other crippled by a shot to the kneecap. "Sayonara, suckers." She fired two more shots and finished the two injured crewmen off, both with headshots, spraying blood and grey matter across the floor, whilst the different colours of blood began to mingle before Marianna opened up her omni-tool and began to type a message in. "[i]Engine room secured, equipment located. About to take out aft security room.[/i]" The message sent to all of Nova, Marianna made her way back to the entrance into the engine room, stepping back out into the corridor. Hoping she hadn't been detected, Mari made her way cautiously back to the divergence in the corridors, and set off down the hallway towards the secondary security room. Ahead were two signatures, both in a room that seemed to be locked. "I suppose this counts as an emergency..." She placed the jammer onto the keypad of the door and programmed in the standard jamming procedure. Instantly, there were mutterings of irritation and 'Fucking god damn technology' from inside the security hub. In preparation, Marianna charged up her Barrier, before one of the guards opened the door to see Marianna aiming a rifle at his head. With a shout, he began to raise his own gun, a pistol, but Mari reacted first, throwing a Singularity into the security room, catching both guards completely off-guard, allowing Marianna to walk into the room and punch one guard into unconsciousness with several blows to the face. The other guard, once the singularity had dissipated, received a healthy kick to the ribs before Marianna stamped on the hand holding the pistol, breaking it and causing the guard to grunt in pain. Marianna aimed her rifle at the struggling turian. "Stop moving. Or I will put a bullet between your squinty eyes." "Gah, fuck you, blue-skin, you ain't got the guts." Marianna rolled her eyes and shot the guard in the foot. "OK! OK! Fuckin' 'ell, I'll give ya no more trouble." "Better not." Marianna bent down and picked up the pistol from beyond the guard's outstretched, broken hand. "I'll be having this..." She threw it onto the desk where the central computer screens were located, before stepping back and viewing her 'handiwork'. "Well, that's the secondary hub neutralised. Would've been nice if we'd known about it..." She opened up her omni-tool and sent off another message. "[i]Security hub neutralised. I think we're clear.[/i]"