And here she is [hider=Aniya "The Baroness" Baranov] [center] [color=c1cdcd][h1]The Baroness[/h1][/color] [color=c1cdcd]__________________________________________________[/color] [color=c1cdcd]_________________________________________________[/color] [img][/img] [color=c1cdcd]_________________________________________________[/color] [color=c1cdcd]__________________________________________________[/color] [/center] [color=c1cdcd]Name:[/color] [indent]Aniya Baranov[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Age:[/color] [indent]34[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Nationality:[/color] [indent]Russian[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Appearance:[/color] [indent]At first glance, Aniya is very easy on the eyes. She's a tall blonde bombshell with long legs and visible muscle tone from her line of work. As an extension of her personal standards of professionalism, she takes great pride in her appearance. She almost always wears tailored suits on the job (her favorite being pinstripes) and even takes the time to style her hair and do a full makeup routine. Ending someone's life without looking your absolute best is just plain rude.[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Personality:[/color] [indent]Direct and decisive, the Baroness prides herself on having a calm, collected attitude no matter the situation. Her consummate professionalism makes her a favorite among her more refined clients while her ruthlessness makes her many friends in low places. She's relentless in her pursuit of a goal and will not stop until a job or task is complete, even to her own detriment, and never yields to any odds. She's cunning, cold, and calculating but ever polite to everyone she meets, including those she intends to remove from their mortal coil. Her emotions never get in the way of her work and she keeps her personal life entirely separate from her career as a matter of principle and slight paranoia. That being said, she does allow herself to cut loose now and again as a way to maintain her center and blow off steam so her work remains unaffected.[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Bio:[/color] [indent]Aniya was not always the stone faced killer she is today. She started as the youngest of three being raised by a widowed mother who struggled to make ends meet and didn't always succeed. This was her and her family's life all the way into her teens and Aniya hated it in a way that ate at her soul. She hated wearing ratty clothes always too big or too small and going to bed hungry. Her anger was always boiling just beneath the surface and she had little patience for the daily grind of dealing with her peers at school. She quickly gained a bad reputation for her willingness to fight at the drop of a hat. Nothing her mother or brothers did could temper the fire in her gut. It wasn't long before she gained the attention of an upperclassman known for being a delinquent. He told her he understood how she felt and he and some of his friends could help her if she helped them first. Without even thinking, she agreed. The plan they had in mind was armed robbery and Aniya was going to help them. The whole thing went off without a hitch and they grabbed enough loot and cash for every one in the crew to make off with a sizable chunk of money. There was no end to the questions when she brought home enough money to cover rent for the next four months. She dodged or refused to answer most of them and her family eventually gave up trying to learn specifics and just told her to not get involved in whatever she was doing. Of course she didn't listen and became heavily involved with who she came to learn was a group of mobsters' sons who put her in touch with a sponsor... of sorts. It took a lot of work, but eventually she gained the full trust of made man. Her family gave up on asking questions or trying to dissuade her and accepted the money she brought home with quiet resignation.  She became known for her loyalty, diligence, and aptitude for creative violence and soon became a favorite of the lower ring of mobsters. When you needed something done Aniya was someone you could depend on no matter what it was. This reputation earned her respect and many friendships as she rose through the ranks. Her biggest "promotion" came when one of the Don's inner circle took a liking to such a fierce and driven woman. They were married in just over a year and Aniya soon cut ties with her family. She saw them as ungrateful for the things she'd done for them and wanted nothing more to do with them. Unfortunately, her perfect life was not to last for more than a few years. Her husband and a number of her friends were killed in a shootout with police after a drug deal turned out to be a sting operation. The loss was devastating, but she resolved to not let it drag her down. She still had duties to the family and they, to their credit, were very supportive of her during this time. Another incident a few months later when a member of the family snitched to police which led to several arrests proved to be the final straw for Aniya. She left her entire life behind suddenly and without warning, much to the anger of her former associates. There were numerous attempts on her life and every so often some hired goon takes a swing at her but she doesn't mind too much these days as it keeps her sharp. In the years after, she leveraged contacts from the network she spent years building and set about building a new network. Gone was the mobster turned mob wife. She rebranded herself as a hired killer, an international assassin and interrogator of the utmost discretion and her reputation brought small-time clients to her like moths to a flame. Her influence grew and soon she found herself with job offers from the rich and powerful of polite society as well. When the Senior contacted her, she at first believed him to be just another client. Perhaps he was a site manager at an industrial plant and needed a union organizer to have an "accident" or was a rich banker who wanted his cheating wife to disappear before she could try and divorce him and collect alimony. She soon realized he was someone very different than the typical criminal and she wanted in.[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Skillset:[/color] [list] [*] [u]Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship[/u]: She much prefers to kill at range to avoid soiling her clothes. [*] [u]Hand to Hand Combat[/u]: Not an expert by any means, but she's picked up on some tricks and had people show her a few things. She'd probably still lose to anyone with serious martial arts training. [*] [u]"Enhanced Interrogation"[/u]: It may violate a few international laws as well as requiring a rain jacket and medical gloves, but it works. [*] [u]Multilingual[/u]: Speaks fluent English and Russian and is conversational in Spanish. English is a useful lingua franca most anywhere in the world and Spanish is something she has picked up on due to her frequent exposure. [*] [u]Target Location and Tracking[/u]: Can't kill what you can't find. [*] [u]Escape and Evasion[/u]: Sticking around for the after party is never a good idea. [*] [u]Evidence Clean-Up[/u]: A service Aniya offers free of charge. Better cover your tracks before the law comes sniffing around.[/list] [color=c1cdcd]Phenomena:[/color] [indent]N/A[/indent] [color=c1cdcd]Personal Equipment:[/color] [list] [*] [u]Tailored Suit[/u]: Stylish and protective when using the kevlar inserts. You'll still probably have broken ribs and feel like you just got run over by a truck, but you'll live. [*] [u]Glock 19[/u]: Chambered in 9mm, comes with 2 spare magazines, threaded barrel to attach a silencer, the silencer in question and it all fits in a concealed shoulder holster. [*] [u]Derringer[/u]: A cute little .22 2 shot pistol strapped to her right ankle as a weapon of last resort. Comes with 6 extra rounds. [*] [u]Takedown Rifle[/u]: Long range firepower for the hitwoman on the go. Breaks down into 6 parts including the magazine and is easily concealed in a laptop bag. [*] [u]Stiletto Knife[/u]: A beautiful gift from a dear friend. She prefers not to use it for risk of the blood getting on her suit but carries it everywhere. [*] [u]Laminated Photo[/u]: A picture of herself and her late husband on a beach with the setting sun in the background. Also carries this everywhere. [*] [u]"Enhanced Interrogation" Kit[/u]: A sleek, black leather briefcase holding all sorts of goodies from pliers and scalpels, to picks and a saw blade. Any tongue loosened, guaranteed or they lose it! [*] [u]Garrote Wire[/u]: A true classic and a relic from her mob days. Ol' Reliable makes for an effective and quiet execution.  [/list] [/hider]