[@eemmtt] [color=00aeef][center]Location: Lorenstad: The Dancing Donkey [/center][/color] D’Artagnan waited patiently for Thaddus, he already had a couple of glasses of water because he wanted to venture as soon as possible. After what seemed like a couple of hours he had a feeling he was not going to come. “How disappointing.” He shook his head but did not hold it against the other man, he thought a better venture came up that Thaddus could not decline. Ordering a shot of their strongest liquor, paying for the drink before downing it in a matter of seconds. Order another glass of water he looked around the tavern for any strong person that could accompany him on his journey. His eyes noticed a large human that had just entered the tavern, D’Artagnan assumed this man was some sort of warrior. Or perhaps someone that has a lot of experience in combat. He looked like someone that could be helpful with whoever is protecting the relic. However, he was not sure if he could convince the man to join him. But he had to try to see if this man would join him. Waving the man over and calling him, “[color=00aeef]Excuse me, sir, could you please join me I wish to speak to you for a moment.[/color]”