[b]Name:[/b] Rosalie Aldaine [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Rose(by a select few), Aldaine [b]Species:[/b] Human/Woman of Letters [b]Age:[/b] 226, but looks to be about 28 [b]Appearance:[/b] Olga Fonda [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7bf5ab2b8229596c97a6517be1969963?rik=ep7FnW5XwGQjmQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages.huffingtonpost.com%2f2016-02-01-1454357247-3532265-Ilana_Pic1-thumb.jpg&ehk=rvxiZXIaaBEOgRczqt8gN5HkXLVaOxGJ1kIfypIVwcw%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] [b]Relation to characters (optional):[/b] She knows of them and has heard about how they handle things, but is still not quite sure how she feels about them. [b]Bio:[/b] Rosalie Aldaine was born in the 1800s and brought up by a family involved in the Men of Letters. She became one of the first "Women" of Letters which was quite controversial at the time. Knowing this she sought to prove herself by performing with excellence for her & all other women interested in becoming legacies of the Letters in the future. During her continued tenure with the organization, she managed to rise to the occasion & beyond paving the way for others after her as she had initially intended. She met & fell in love with a powerful natural psychic & witch named Felix Haustin who had grand intentions to use the Men of Letters to carve out a great nation in the new world. Her love for him consumed her & caused her to follow in his steps to obtain eternal life to shape the group's future over the centuries. To that end he found and gave her water from the fountain of youth making the words Forever 21 take a whole new meaning for her. However, her blind love for Felix dissipated upon learning that instead of also partaking in the fountain's water for eternal youth he instead turned himself into a dragon, one of the fiercest beasts in the world to compensate for his perceived lack of physical power. With her feelings cast aside, she glimpsed the evil brewing within Felix and stood with the other Men of Letters to take him down exposing what he did. This led to collaborating with the British Men of Letters to use Excalibur to slay the psychic witch protege turned dragon. She personally participated in the burning of his body and went on to resume her life's work with the Letters in order to keep the world rid of evil having seen it firsthand corrupt a man she loved deeply and once saw as her true love. Over the next 200 years, Rosalie continued her work with the Letters, continuing to prove her worth and skills within their ranks even though most frowned upon her decision to partake in drinking water from the Fountain of Youth. Though most understood why she did and felt pity for her, but would never admit it to her face. With her life eternal, she witnessed her family grow, bear new life, and members of it pass away. She’s witnessed members of the Letters pass from being killed on the job or passing from old age, and new members were brought into the ranks and trained, her being one of the ones to train the new members. As time and years went by most of the Letters she knew and trusted passed, things became strained with the newer members for they saw her as one that shouldn’t be there despite all that she had done for the Chapter. Distrust and backstabbing spread through the Chapter, which caused her to gather her things and leave the American Chapter and join the British Chapter. Not to her surprise, they knew everything about her and what she had done for love and what she had done following that loves betrayal. The British Chapter accepted her into their ranks, starting her out as the low man on the totem pole. Rosalie pushed herself to her limits to rise in rank and to the occasion, just as she had in the American Chapter. With her eternal life, they saw her as an asset as she shared her knowledge with them, and theirs with her. The more she learned from the British Men of Letters, the more of a force she became to reckon with. She excelled in every mission/case she was sent on and that only made her more of an asset to the Letters. Yes, there were some of their methods she didn’t approve of and would occasionally deviate from them to incorporate her own method, she still got the job done despite their disapproval and scolding when she came back. As time went on, she moved into the top ranks and they learned not to question her methods of taking care of whatever monster she came across and dealt with, they didn’t even scold her for how she took care of things since it was effective and she took care of the evidence and no one was the wiser. After the fallout of the Letters, Rosalie pretty much went off and did her own thing. She tried to make a life for herself, going as far as finding a little house away from any town. She limited how often she visited town as to not draw attention to her eternal youth and have those she crossed paths with question her not aging. At first, she tried to get away from the life she had, but she kept being drawn back to it like a moth to a flame. She couldn’t keep herself from wanting to rid the world of its monsters as she had pledged all those years ago with Felix, the only difference now, was that she was going it alone. She made it her mission to kill the monsters she came across and heard about to keep them from killing innocents and wreaking havoc on the world, she couldn’t let any get away with it. Rosalie vowed to herself to keep fighting them and wouldn’t stop until she drew her last breath. To this day, Rosalie has kept true to the vow she made herself and has never faltered. She has moved back to America and taken up residence in a Men of Letters bunker in St. Louis, Missouri, after hearing about the seals being broken and a series of murders and missing people. She knows she has to stop the seals from being broken and needs to find the monster responsible for the murders and missing people and put an end to it. [b]Weapons:[/b] A smallish satchel with a pocket dimension within it that holds her arsenal, knowledge of ancient and powerful magic, and time travel spells. She also carries a handgun on her person at all times.