Mika didn't really pay too much attention to what Dean was doing until he spoke up a d called her his best girl. It made her look toward him and smile as he walked up close to her, draping the old jacket of his that he clearly found in her trunk over her shoulders. She held the jacket close to her as he kissed her neck before softly chuckling as he gave her a word of warning about calling him sweet. "oh as if I'd ever do something so reckless" she teased back, acting like calling him sweet was far more reckless than going into a serious hunt alone would be. She stepped away from the door as he unlocked it for her due to him having the keys and opened the door, allowing her to step forward again and one foot at a time, stepped inside and sat down in the passenger seat, a place she had grown to get accustomed to since her and Dean had learned to share the driving to give each other breaks. She let him close the door after her and come round to the driver's side as she checked her phone to make sure there were no emergency messages from Bobby or possibly anyone else, not that she had many contacts. With the sound of the driver's door closing she put her phone in the jacket pocket, smiling back at him and chuckling once more at his comment. "and I always prefer you out of your clothes so it's a win win" she joked as he started the engine and began the short drive back to Bobby's, her hand ontop of his, nervous about how Bobby was going to react to their two pieces of news. With her other hand she held his jacket close to her still, enjoying the comfort it always brought her, whether he was with her or not.