Sora was dumbfounded that he didn't even seemed to remember his sister, even though Lumia said that the guy had seen and talked to his sister multiple times. What was up with that guy? He was so weird and mysterious that he even somewhat scared Sora. [color=cornflowerblue]"You don't remember if you have seen or talked to us before? What's up with your memory, dude?"[/color] Sora almost screamed, possibly out of fear. He needed to get some answers. Who was that guy? What was he planning to do with them? Although he had weird feelings considering the guy, he felt good when his sister commented on his actions. It felt good to be able to protect his sister, to be able to be there for her, to have her encourage him like that. Then however, he suddenly got one answer. He came over... because he noticed Lumia and Wolf? Just for those two cards? It felt weird and unbelievable that a random Nexus fan would approach strangers in a zoo to take a look at their cards. Something was up with that guy. [color=cornflowerblue]"These... These cards aren't... We cannot trade them for anything else."[/color] Sora muttered. He hesitated to say something further, but he knew that the guy wouldn't leave with just that one sentence. [color=cornflowerblue]"The cards... They are... Euhm... More of emotional support... They won't be much good in your deck..."[/color] Sora continued, not even knowing if the cards would be of help to the guy. But the guy couldn't take either Lumia or Wolf away from them. Could he? [color=cornflowerblue]"If you don't mind... I would rather spend some time alone with my sister... You know... Two siblings catching up... We only have the day and I would rather spend it with her than with... Well... A stranger like you."[/color] The last words escaped his mouth in almost a whispering tone.