[@Ozzy Cross] A small smile graced Taraah's face as she finally got somewhere with what she wanted. [color=ed1c24]"I assume you know draconic pronounciation. It is a bit of dark magic that is as low level as it gets, but it serves some useful purposes."[/color] she said, producing a piece of parchment and a quill from her satchel. Then she wrote an incantation in draconic runes. When said out loud, the draconic language sounded like growls, jaw snaps, and stones rumbling down the side of the hill, but the words could be formed by a humanoid mouth, if barely. [color=ed1c24]"The ritual calls for a piece of a body to recall the soul it inhabited it. The older the body, the more of an imprint the soul would leave on it, but if cast early enough, even a young bone would do. Now, as you would know, knowing a dragon's true name is to have power over them. If you modify a detection spell to use a somatic input and think of the true name of the dragon, it should resonate with the soul recall and detect it as the dragon him or herself. I won't even need to know the name of the dragon, as you would not know the name if you weren't close."[/color] she said, sliding over the copper coin the detection spell required as a material component. She hoped the man spoke truth. She could use someone she could trust. Most of all, it would be less strange why he felt familiar despite the two of them never meeting before.