The song of the cicadas slowly faded into the wind as the sun began its descent past Fuyuki's horizon. The first night of the Prime Holy Grail War would commence, and the war would begin in earnest. Those heroes of the past who have been drawn to the call of the Grail would soon cross blades with one another for the sake of a mere wish, for themselves and for those Masters who bind their spirits to this world. A battle to the death until there is only one left standing, one worthy of a miracle granted by the Holy Grail... or does it have to happen as so? Rather than the Greater and Lesser Grail, the Prime Holy Grail is made up of many inferior Grails salvaged from the vast Subspecies Grail Wars that have been won in the past. It was this foundation, after all, that allowed a surge of Servants to be summoned far greater than the ritual would entail. Perhaps with these circumstances in mind, those who wish to minimize bloodshed could work together while also all obtaining their own wish. Or perhaps the miracles of the Grail require that more sacrifices must be made in order for a wish to actualize. Originally, only seven Servants were needed to sacrifice to the Grail in order to obtain a wish, but what about now? There were many uncertainties with this ritual, things even the Three Great Families weren't entirely sure of. But such uncertainties should not stop one from achieving victory. Hesitation, after all, is death. It is why the first night of these Grail Wars is usually dedicated to gathering information over truly spilling blood. In other words, an "extended grace period." Of course, such beliefs are not held true by all participants in this war, so the risk of one's life should still be kept in mind. Indeed, those who wish to break the unspoken rules of the Grail War are among this ritual's participants. While there is no way to police such rulebreakers, there have been foundations set within the Fuyuki Grail System to ensure that this ritual shall proceed smoothly and that those who wish to undermine the sanctity of this holiest of rituals shall be duly punished. A red-haired youth stood atop one of Shinto's many buildings, overlooking the city as its lights began to fill the dimming sky. He clenched his fists, his hands wrapped with red... fingerless gloves. How tacky. Stood beside him was a behemoth of metal, more than twice his size. "[color=FF0000]It's an awfully quiet night, isn't it, Ruler?[/color]" The teenaged boy asked, looking at the night sky. The armored giant did not reply. "[color=FF0000]Well, it won't be quiet for long. We'll sit and watch, for now. It seems the priest at the church is handling oversight of this war. Still, even his reach cannot extend too far.[/color]" The youth stated once more, a shimmering golden light coalesced within his hand as he began to conjure [i]something.[/i] "[color=FF0000]If it comes to it, we will have to [i]save[/i] this city together.[/color]" [h1]Night One of the Prime Holy Grail War has officially commensed![/h1]