As the elevator doors opened, Ellie and Rainsinger saw a long, dark corridor filled with aquatic test subjects in low-lit tubes. At the end of the corridor, they saw a barred doorway filled with crisscrossed, high-voltage red lasers. And between them and the doorway, a handful of scientists and bodyguards that, when the elevator opened, immediately looked her way One of the scientists dropped their clipboard in fright, shrieking. The four other scientists shrank behind the three bodyguards, who quickly surrounded Ellie and Rainsinger with hands on their holsters. "Who are you? Where's your ID badge?" they demanded. One unbuttoned their holster, suspicion in his eyes. "Hands where I can see them. No fast movements." Ellie’s body tensed as she was flanked at all point by the guards, drawing guns on her in an instant. [color=ff6130]”Alright, take it easy…I’m going to raise my hands.”[/color] She said slow and deliberately, meanwhile, Linus simply stood unphased behind her, eyeing the guards coolly. "Mind telling us what you both were doing, coming from the restricted C Section?" the guard said, fingers tensely wrapped around the grip of his holstered gun. Ellie remained quiet, she turned her head to look at Linus, and darted her eyes down to her legs for a second. Linus noted that with one with a small nod, as something shifted in his coat’s side pocket. She could already feel her boots warming up as she turned around to speak to the guards. [color=ff6130]”Listen. We’re just trying to-“[/color] [b]WHOOSH[/b] Ellie’s foot lit up like a lightbulb as she slammed it down onto the floor, causing the whole room to tremble with a burst of Meta Sunlight. It was essentially a golden flash bang. Linus was familiar with this tactic, so he had no trouble loosing the contents of the large metal water bottle he always carried, which whipped around the heads of the stunned guards like pressurized arms, slamming each of them with enough force to incapacitate. In a swift and coordinated motion, all the surrounding guards lay on the floor, out like lights. [color=5a6b7c]”Still got it.”[/color] The scientists, eyes slowly opening from the flashbang, stared in horror at the pile of unconscious bodies at Ellie and Rainsinger's feet. An unsettling hush fell on the room, the scientists exchanging petrified glances. Then, a clatter of shoes as the five scientists scrambled for the door. They stumbled and shoved each other out of the way in a race to reach the door. One scientist was shoved too hard, spilling hard on the grated floor. He moaned and rolled to his side, putting pressure on a twisted ankle.