[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3suap3K.png[/img] [h3]Nightfall, Shinto's Sky[/h3][/center] The shopping was pleasant to say the least. It was wasteful, but not ruinous, it was refreshing even as they were enveloped by a foreign and strange community. At his concerns she had laughed, after all they weren’t something to worry about. [color=8dc73f]“Magic isn’t something to be used frivolously, you know that most of all surely. I can tell that you’re not some random child that’s picked up some traits, there’s an air to you that shows that you’re a practitioner somewhere in your heart.”[/color] She stuck out her tongue out playfully as she put on some rather gaudy looking sunglasses.She was in a pair of ripped jeans, wearing plasticy cheap bracelets instead of the druidic wear and jewelry she had came in. All over that was a casual summer jacket that only covered half her torso. Well, she certainly was having her fun.. What was impressive perhaps was her ability to sniff out deals, and manage to work out some deals. The flow of fortune, the growing change in the land, and the surprising combination of shrewdness and a foreigner that could speak Japanese quite fluently led to an onslaught that left her with various good deals and lucky moments! [color=8dc73f]“To scam people with magic just for a bit of extra money is a waste… Although making sure you run into good opportunities and don’t lose things is fine I’d say.”[/color] The lives of people and magic both had their value, and it wasn’t right to steal away the value of normal life with magic. Magic was something that would defend against the mysteries and distortions in the world, or something that one devoted themselves to. It wasn’t that magic served people, but rather than people served their ideals and magic with their lives. [color=8dc73f]“I’m a scholar in a sense, or an adventurer. But the main thing is I wanted to see all sorts of lands and people, all sorts of magic. I wanted to collect wisdom, simple as that. But there are a lot of mages and magicians who wanted to accomplish great things, to change order, to challenge the laws of the world… But doing something as great as that requires multiple lives, multiple generations.”[/color] She smiled. [color=8dc73f]“I’m sure you know of it already. But I need to remind you of it in another way. All the people we’ll be fighting, defeating and killing… Even if the individual has deviated from that path or dream, even if they’ve rejected it or become a person who only lives for themselves chasing a small and pathetic little individual desire..”[/color] As night fell she drew runes upon her clothes, and brought with a spell a synchronization of the flow of mana from the two to match the air of the city to help protect against detection. [color=8dc73f]“Each one of them is a magic user who inherited the tools and magic in service to that. Make sure you have the perspective to understand the weight of your own magic’s history, and make sure you have the resolve to crush those other paths for the sake of your own wish and history.”[/color] Only one would be accepted by the grail. But more than that, was he really ready for all of this? [color=8dc73f]“Do not hate them, for they are the same as you. Do not hate yourself, for it is the natural way to live.’[/color] At a point she picked up her master as the moon rose, and the two took to the air. The still contemporary dressed lady humming as she looked for some sort of target, runes of clairvoyance helping her see through the city. [color=8dc73f]“We should start however… with a playdate, a little bit of fun.”[/color] The moment she found a fun seeming target a stone and a rune made for a good baseball pitch to get attention and frighten them a little bit. How will they react she wondered with a little bit of a trick? [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YinLzad.png[/img] [h3]Shinto: Park[/h3] [/center] They managed to procure some sort of clothing for another day. But at this time, it was operational hours. It had spent with the operator and the familiar known as Archer the day, after handling the strange need to buy normal clothing of some sort… (It was a quick affair really as it bought what fit best, was functional and what was fast to find. There was no time to waste on such frivolities after all.) A dissemination of the information and knowledge that had been collected by former operations and units. Discussion of various anti-servant tactics devised, of all sorts of magecraft, and discussion of possibilities with the capabilities of Archer. It also spoke of the operating parameters and directives. Namely that of the threat evaluation levels. Black, Green, Violet, Orange, Yellow. Categorized by the noble colors. If Black was something that could only called the level of a hoodlum with a pistol. Then green was a prepared magus that had knowledge of what they were doing, and some form of magecraft meant for combat that could defeat a trained person with a gun. Often Greens were rather rare, after all magi were primarily researchers. Violets were those who could take on groups, who would be at a level that they could be called a proper threat. Something that could be called a danger that would be able to fight and engage with a combat focused Freelancer or familiar. Orange was an evaluation where one was considered to be getting close to the levels of an anti-magus specialist like an Executor. In other words, it was only at this level that the unit was expected to fight with full lethal intent and no restriction on the usage of weapons. Yellow... The lowest of the primaries, yet a shining jewel among the Noble Colors still. There was no expectation for any Yellows. If there were, then it’d likely require the assistance of Archer to survive. The expectation was that the Einzberns would be able to send and create combat units on the level of high oranges. Victory would be difficult. But victory was the purpose of the unit, even failing and perishing so long as victory was claimed was acceptable. To rampage until the operations and the objective of the visit to Fuyuki was accomplished. To prove one’s abilities and bring honor to the family. [color=9e0b0f]“Archer, send it in.”[/color] It was an order to swing a firework, an attention grabbing flare with one obvious meaning to be had in a park that had few people there at this time of night. Even less, that is to say, no one once they were scared off by the sudden burst of noise and light, the grounds sanctified as a battlefield by the combined magics of the two. Come and fight. It was time to visit the old battlefield.