Kashvi sized up the newcomer. There were alot of reasons why the guild might tap too particular thieves for a job. Not all of them were good. This one might be a minder, an enforcer, or just a rube plucked off the street. Fortunately The last did not seem to be true. Kashvi had a knack for guaging people, the skill had carried her to great heights in her distant homeland, heights from which she had crashed down from before fleeing to the west. He looked vaugley familiar, but that wasnt too strange. Members of the same guilds tended to visit the same places. Taverns, alchemists, fences, all tended to have an afilliation with the guild that controlled the nearby streets, even if they weren't paying protection, which most of them were. "So long as it pays," Kashvi replied, her Indran accent clipping the words much more sharply than a local. "'ats the spirit," a new voice interjected. Both thieves turned to see a heavy set man with sandy blonde hair pushed his way through the door like a giant shrugging his way out of a cave. He was muscular but the bulge of his biceps was accented by the fact that every inch of his arms was covered with glypic tattoos. Some of those tattoos could shatter rocks, others allow the wielder to leap a dozen feet in the air. It was all very expensive. "Joe Shipwreck," Kashvi said, her voice certain. "Aye somen' call me that," he replied with a grin that showed several golden teeth. Joe Shipwreck was a ledgend among the thieves of his cities for punching his way out of a prison hulk and sending it to the bottom of the bay. A hundred thieves had escaped that day, though another hundred or so had drowned. His exploits since were the stuff of legend. Kashvi had never met him, nor met anyone who claimed too outside of drunken boasting. Word had it he was high up in the Guild, even among the big three. One of the Thirty Three Worthy Gentlemen. "I got a littl' job for ya," he said with a spreading grin.