[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 3: 19/30 Word Count: 575 Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Rocket Inc Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 20/30[/center] [i]Before:[/i] Peering through the target Orendi had made for her spell, Jesse lined up the shot and pulled the trigger of Shatter. Shatter it did, the blast passed right. Orendi's head vanished in a psionic blast of red mist, and by the time the space pest had dropped dead to the ground she had disintegrated into dust. Only a small glass ball was left in her place. Jesse knew she was supposed to be taking people alive, but she guessed that even with the double layer of mind control, that bloodthirtsy witch wouldn't have been very well liked by anyone. Jesse spared an impassive glance for the ash pile before turning back to her firefight against the sniper, Mordecai. [hr] A stray ray of frost had hit Mordecai, the other person Jesse had trussed up with balloons to guide to safety. Him and his annoying bird. Unlike Orendi, she rendered the both of them unconscious. In them she spotted potential for whatever scheme the ragtag group of 'heroes' she had ended up with had cooked up. Ciella, in yet another addition to the long and growing list of 'big Ciella attacks that annoy Jesse Faden', blasted a ray of frost that struck Mordecai. The director reacted just in time. Jesse reached out and snatched the semi-frozen balloons, causing Mordecai to be wrenched about by the displaced force. But otherwise, he wouldn't be tossed into a big attack that Jesse was pretty sure was ALSO Ciella's. She threw the balloons a 'safe' distance away from the fight and let Mordecai and his bird float for now. Midna had turned on Ciella, for reasons the Director could now guess. But friendly fire usually wasn't best responded to with even more friendly fire. They certainly didn't like each other, but considering what the Director had seen of Braum, this wasn't mind control. If Midna had any grievances, they could have waited until they were done fighting. Either way, the poor princess had gotten her ass kicked, so the issue was settled for now. For good news, it looked like Mao had finally beaten the Dragonborn and give him one of those pink hearty things. Bad news, Mordecai got frozen up and sent away. Then he went after Fuse, and Jesse imagined the kid could take him. Sectonia was still dueling with Shadow. The Queen Bee hadn't asked for help, and hopefully Ciella's rampant magical attacks would keep him at bay long enough for the battle to be over. The Director hadn't seen Shadow run fast even one time, so that was pretty disappointing. Now, what? The Phantom Thieves (Mona included!) were gunning for Nastasia, which Jesse certainly agreed was their priority target. If they could take that annoying secretary looking villain out, all their issues might be solved. Reinhardt's shield have been broken, which gave Jesse an opportunity to take the big guy out of the picture for now. While normally her Tool Gun couldn't penetrate his energy shield, with it destroyed, he was vulnerable. Jesse clicked the undo button on her own balloons, the ones she did most recently, and dropped to the ground with a grunt. Sprinting, she followed after the Thieves and charged towards Nastasia and her protectors. Switching her Tool Gun to shrink mode, she levelled it at Reinhardt. Blue beams of light pinged out and struck the German warrior, each blast reducing his size by half, causing his impressive strength to diminish. Soon, he was no bigger than two feet tall. With a sweeping motion of her left hand, the Director tore a chunk of rock out of the wall and flung it at him, smashing into him and battering him into a wall. Afterwards, she turned her focus to Uncle Sven. The strangely shaped man had been a very useful member of their team thus far, though Jesse hadn't had a chance to focus on him yet. That rock was the only one she could throw, because her Energy was still recharging. And switching back to her Service Weapon would take too long. So instead, Jesse pointed the Tool Gun at Uncle Sven, and with a flick of her thumb made it go from 'mini' to 'wumbo'. Or, rather, from shrink, to enlarge. Focusing on his rotund belly, she increased the size of his abdomen and his abdomen alone. Much like Mona's large head had prevented him from doing much when increased, she was hoping to do the same thing here. If his already proportionally large torso got so big his legs couldn't touch the ground, he would roll around like a ball and be drastically reduced in usefulness. Plus, maybe she was just being biased, but he reminded her of this funny homeless guy she used to know and Jesse wasn't sure if she had the heart to plug him full of lead. So, just about twelve shots from her Tool Gun and a thrown rock about two feet in diameter was what Jesse was contributing thus far, combined with her own forward movement as she advanced behind the Phantom Thieves towards Nastasia and her final group of Vandal defenders. She figured she could make them count.