[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YAPUu25.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Of all the times they had to bother her. Can't they just show up between work breaks at 12 to 1 pm, or after work at 6pm? The roar of the motorcycle drowned the normal Tokyo noise as she sped down the road. Ryofu ate the bun in one hand angrily, her golden hair streaked with red and green streaming in the wind. She looked, for lack of other words, like a fresh corpse came to life, with stiches, scars and bandages all over her body, and the pallid colour of her skin. Perhaps a terrifying sight for some, had the road revenant rider not also been known as the Red Rider of Ginza. [color=ed1c24]"Get your ass in the fight, Shadow Boy!"[/color] With a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRc2vx4xTVM]honk of the horn[/url], and a swerve, the bike turned sharply, the sheer speeds kicking up snow straight at Masahi. She could see there was already a few of them already fighting off the monsters streaming in from that gate, though even more still came in, threatening to overwhelm them by sheer numbers alone. Ryofu wasn't as lucky as the others in the youkais that attacked them. Several tengus immediately swooped down upon her, blades swinging wildly. It was said that tengus were great martial artists, and had swordsmanship beyond the common man. Of course, Ryofu wasn't a common man. Her weight shifted as the bike did a violent somersault, catching the blades on its undercarriage. If they had any thoughts of retreating out of the range of her attacks by flying away, it was swiftly cut short by the chains materializing from several magical circles around her, wrapping around their bodies like snakes. [color=ed1c24]"Sky Piercer!"[/color] The bike slammed back onto the ground as she jumped upwards, pulling the chains towards her. There was an audible whirring noise as her arms manifested glowing blue lines, strengthening her body, before she slammed the bat into the chained up tengus. Each of them exploded violently into the parade of youkais, dotting the areas near the gate. [color=ed1c24]"Shit, gonna have to explode the gate or something! They're coming out of it faster!"[/color] Pulling herself onto her still running bike with a chain, she jumped over the railings and into the frozen bay itself, one hand on her bat.