[h2]Rosalie Aldaine[/h2] Rosalie sat at a tabling within the Bunker she had taken up residence in, a laptop sat in front of her, and many books lay scattered across the table's surface. With the information she had, she had been pouring herself over books filled with lore, and even going over articles repeatedly to see if she could find out any more information or find something she had missed. After some time, she pushed the computer away from her, rested her elbows on the table, and placed her chin between the palms of her hands, and rubbed her temples with her fingers as she closed her eyes with a loud sigh. She was growing frustrated as she ran into dead ends or things that made little sense or just didn’t add up. After a while, she ran her hands down her face, pushed her chair back, stood, then heading into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, she went to the liquor cabinet and opened it, then pulled out a glass and a bottle of scotch and closing the cabinet door. She carried both back to the table she had been sitting at and sat down the glass and bottle before sitting down in the chair. Rosalie then picked up the bottle and poured herself a decent glass of the scotch after opening the bottle. Setting the bottle down, she picked up her glass and leaned back in her chair as she took a drink and went over things in her mind. As she sat there thinking and drinking her scotch, she started just over her computer at a Haladie that rested on a stand on a shelf just across the room. An email notification pulled her attention to the computer screen. Switching her drink to her other hand, she pulled the computer closer and opened up her mail, her eyebrows raising a little at who the email was from as she took another drink of her scotch. She then opened the email and read it. As she read its contents, her right hand slowly made its way up to rest under her chin as she placed her elbow on the table. The email contained all the missing information she needed from the killings and missing people and information on the events that weren’t publicized. The numbers of the missing and dead were absolutely staggering, and the way they found the bodies, she had no words to describe how she felt about it. Rosalie gripped her glass as she continued to read the contents of the email that she received. If she wasn’t used to this sort of thing, her head would be spinning at all the information she was getting from the email. The more she read, the more a thought hit her she didn’t want to think about because it couldn’t be possible. After she finished reading the email, the thought that had kept in her mind remained. The hand under her chin dropped to the table, slapping it. “It couldn’t possibly be……… That’s impossible.” she whispered even though she was alone. “He’s been dead for years……. We burned his body.” Everything she had read and heard sounded just like what he wanted to do all those years ago. Rosalie took a drink of her scotch as she went over it more in her mind, then the answer hit her like a ton of bricks. She drank the last of the scotch in her glass, then slammed the glass down on the table. “A tether.” she almost yelled into the room. “He found an item to tether himself to before we killed him.” She couldn’t bring herself to say his name aloud, just the thought of it really being him put a pit in her stomach. If he really was back, it meant that he had possessed someone or something to accomplish everything going on. It also meant it would be ten times harder to stop him this time around, especially with the arm he was building. She was going to have to find him and stop him once again, and destroy the item he had tethered himself to. It sounded like an impossible task, but she had to do it no matter how impossible it seemed.