“After a fashion...yes.” The Rothian grunted, gritting their jaws together. The transformation gripping its body spread from its chest, crawled up its neck. Black and white scales flipped to a new dark green and yellow pattern in a matter of seconds. They spread their hands out to either side and looked up, closed their eyes. “Raagggghhhh!” Their head was enveloped, flipping and folding like a paper ornament. Both fists clenched while their body floated in the ether across from Vreta. Then all at once, it was over. Both Rothians landed softly on an invisible floor, and two identical Rothians stood facing each other. “I...Navigate.” The entity breathed a sigh of relief. “You are Vreta’Sori. I am you, and you are now part of me. Together, we are going to do great things.” The Rothian smiled warmly, encouragingly. The floor beneath Vreta began sucking him down into the blackness.