[@Hammerman]: Personality is much better (though it might be a good idea figuring out where said mansion is situated in-universe, given that it'll likely become relevant for the future). With that settled, let's look at the 'weather mage' bit again. I think that this is a bit of a weird situation because while I do see where the concept is coming from, my problem is in the execution. Given what you've said, it does seem like more of a ramping caster than something that functions more on setting up and executing effects (though I feel like 'annihilate an entire army in one blast' is definitely overkill, even as a finishing move). With that said (and I'm speaking from the perspective of design again here), though, I don't know if I'd agree to it being able to [i]sustain[/i] massive bursts of CC and/or AoE once it hits that 'apex' of fluctuating mana. In terms of solutions there (assuming you might be okay with steering away from sustained wide-scale burst and control)... Could we give it a resource system where you'd use certain spells to build up gauge or something similar before consuming them for the more noteworthy effects or larger-scale versions therein? This provides a more inherent balance to the class in theory in my eyes, as you're not just dumping everything into artillery siege casts and repeatedly nuking or chain-CCing the battlefield until one side is dead (as the class seems like it's got a lot of inherent utility outside of the theoretical damage it would provide). I think something like that might also give the character more reason to play tactically in-universe, as she can't just go full nuke mage from the start (and in terms of character diversity, leaves the playing field open for someone who wants to play a more burst-oriented mage playstyle). This isn't the same as saying it needs 'setup' and 'execution' as I had said in my prior statement, but rather something more along the line of... Cycles, I guess? Thematically speaking, I guess I could liken this to the 'calm' before or after a storm, if only because things don't escalate and stay escalated forever. What say you?