Dean's laugh was always infectious to Mika, so when he chuckled she too chuckled, especially when he remarked on trying to drive. The drive did seem to feel like it went by quicker than it did when they were coming to the town, part of her wished it was longer because she was nervous about how her uncle was going to react to their various pieces of information, and the other part of her was excited to be leaving the town of skin walkers behind and not risk their lives again. Back at home, car in the awning area where she liked to have it, she looked at Dean back and smiled. "yeah, sooner rather than later" she agreed, getting out of the car as she Bobby emerge looking surprised that they were back so soon. Closing the passenger side door she stood by the car as he questioned their early return. She let Dean take the lead on the talking for the most part and internally sighed when Bobby gave his all too familiar exasperated tone at the news they had to quit the hunt. When Bobby looked at her with narrowed eyes, she briefly looked down toward her feet before looking back up at him again. "let's just chat inside" she mumbled sheepishly, walking inside via the back door that linked to the garage, suddenly feeling like a little kid again, all down to that look he gave her. She waited for the others to get inside and she sat down on the couch. "when it comes to the hunt, it's just like Dean said, that town is run by skin walkers, one of them got jump on me and if it wasn't for Dean having the upper hand on another one I would have been a goner. That town needs more experienced hunters and a much larger group than two of them."she explained. "as for the other thing? Umm, well, when Dean decides to head back to his dad... I wanna go with him" she sheepishly told Bobby.