[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color][hr][I]The Eukary Quad, Winter Carnival Club Booths, 9:05AM. Interacting with [@GreysonEA], [@vertigh0st], and [@Dark Cloud].[/i] After a few anxious glances this way and that, Melanie started off towards the medicine tent with her arms wrapped tight around her shivering, icy body. She stared down at the ttampled snow as she walked away, partly looking out for more trip hazards, but mostly lost in her thoughts. Was she being paranoid? Maybe a lot of humans just looked angry all the time. After all, Mel used to be afraid of predators--and she was still a little bit, to be honest--but Nolan had proven how good and kind they should be. She was just being speciest. An awful, awful, speciest. She was just as bad as the human who made that club brocure. Melanie hugged herself tighter, fighting back tears. She couldn't help hating herself for the way she felt, and wished Nolan was here to look out for her. Melanie hadn't got far when someone spoke up, offering to escort her. The girl stopped in her tracks and began to cry, overwhelmed with feelings of undeserving. She buried her face in her paws to hide and stifle her sobs, and was surprised to feel something warm and soft drape over her shoulders like a shawl. Her sobs slowed to a sniffle and she smiled gtatefully, looking over her shoulder at the gentleman bull standing behind her, and his companion. [Color=pink]"Th-thank you, T-taurus... "[/color] Melanie managed between sniffles. Between the large bull and his canine companion, she would surely be safe from any ill-intended humans. Regaining her composure, the girl looked sadly to the cat, who seemed to be busily and angrily wiping at the stain on his clothes, too busy stewing to respond to anything or anybody around him. He probably was not coming with them. [Color=pink][i]"I'm so sorry..."[/i][/pink] Melanie apologize, with her snout shamefully pointed toward the ground. A few seconds later she looked back at the pair of nice upperclassmen boys, then started back on her way. The medicine tent was only a couple minutes away, close to the fields where the races and other activities were being held. It was a fairly large white tent, built big enough to encompass even elephants and giraffes if needed. A red plus sign was made with red duct tape was on the front door flap. Melanie pushed through with one paw outstretched and the flap fell down behind her. The tent opened into what appeared to be waiting room of sorts. The floor was tarped and a small space heater was in one corner. [Color=pink]"He-hello?"[/color] Melanie asked, not seeing anybody around. She heard hushed voices and rustling behind one doorflap. [B]"I will be with you in a minute!"[/b] a female voice spoke up. Satisfied that someone was here, Mel looked to find a seat and chose a typical middle-sized-animal chair. She lifted herself into it and sat with her boots dangling an inch or so off the floor. Melanie breathed deeply and sighed. The heat felt wonderful. [B]"Hi, can I help you?"[/b] a kangaroo girl asked, as she popped out from behind the flap. She wore blue scrubs with white snowflakes on it, apparently the nurse. Strangely enough, nobody else came out with her. [Color=pink]"Uh, yes, I fell in the snow and ice and I got scraped up..."[/color] Melanie explained, showing the nurse her paws, which were swollen red and bleeding slightly. [B]"Oh my! Let's get those paws disinfected right away. Did your friends get hurt as well?"[/b] the kangaroo asked, sounding almost hopeful as she eyed Taurus. [Color=pink]"No, um, they just came for e-emotional sup-p-port,"[/color] Melanie explained, scratching her ear and feeling a little embarrassed about it. She got up from her chair and turned towards her new companions. [Color=pink]"Thank you for bringing me here, guys... August and Taurus... I should be fine now. You can get back to-to the festival if you want. And oh, here, your scarf...Thank you for letting me borrow it, Taurus. Sorry it's a little damp now,"[/color] Melanie apologized, smiling bashfully and offering up the large scarf as far as she could reach.