Josh rose an eyebrow at her relucatance to get up. Sure she could have days where she was an utter pain in his ass for getting up, but on the whole she was relatively easy to get out of bed. He pulled the blankets fully off of her and grabbed her gently, pulling her into him. "You can sleep in Chas' car when you go to his place with him, but you gotta get up kiddo" he told her, trying to ignore the aura in the room. Chas and Kay looked between John and Serena at the initial question before Chas looked at JOhn solely and shrugging his shoulders. "I didn't particularly notice to be honest with you, I came down before Serena did and just paid no mind to the other rooms." he explained, now feeling a little bad that he didn't pay any attention to the others rooms. "Did you see any glow Serena?" he asked her.