The night was largely uneventful for Tyrael. After taking his bath he simply retired for the night, having not had much of a rest since he had started traveling through the desert. He slept rather soundly, though made sure to keep Zastriel on watch in the event of treachery. He also made sure she was in relatively close proximity to Lynn in the event something happened to her, though fortunately it also seemed as though nothing happened. When morning came Tyrael awoke and ate a a hearty breakfast served by the innkeeper. However as Tyrael gathered his belongings and headed to the Oasis, he heard whispers of concern. Apparently some of the townsfolk were missing items. Tyrael simply assumed it had to do with the festivities from the day before. Tyrael didn't really partake, and certainly none of his belongings were misplaced. Though he was concerned that perhaps someone had robbed Lynn; she didn't seem the type to know better if she ended up drunk. Tyrael would arrive to the Oasis to check on Lynn. Compared to the day before, Tyrael looked much nicer, since he was able to wash himself and his clothes. He even made sure to keep his armor cleaned as well, though by design it always had a rather muted tone since Tyrael didn't want his armor to reflect light. He also made sure to get used to having his new axe on hand as well. It was odd feeling such a heavy weapon on his person again. Once he found Lynn, Tyrael would knock on a wall to get her attention. [color=00a651]"Good morning Lynn. How are you feeling?"[/color]