Vreta took a deep breath, growling slightly out of general discomfort. He was eager to take water as soon as it was offered, so it took him a few moments to actually get around to responding to Freyr. “I could ask the same of you. Everyone was going unconscious around me, then I…spoke to the Navigator.” Vreta grimaced as some of the memories slowly came back to him. It was not entirely clear, at least not nearly as much as the events which had led up to it. “It spoke…more about the Hegemon. I remember it showed me some of what it could do. It believes we are going to need to work together against it, supposedly. I…it’s vague, but I think I know where we might find evidence of this Hegemon. It mentioned…you know it as Andromeda. The neighboring galaxy. The memory we saw back on Rothia happened in one of its satellite galaxies.”