[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210907/d5f8d77920dd8ba9ba924d2c7d250e36.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210907/ec6266563e18e3ebd4f18f6726b01e4e.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c131733172141140cf81a41fe7754fc2/9d2013757cd2c9a7-17/s400x600/9db3048af17d777a4a388ea9fa5f6a8950d6ff30.gifv[/img] Location: Delbrook Festival Interactions: [color=ccffcc]Brother[/color], [color=7FFFD4]My Knight in Shining Swim Trunks[/color] [@metanoia] Wearing: [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/7fe954f88c26168635aad68909ceff0d/f15290118cff0bc3-0c/s540x810/5ffc09c4dcccbae8ab5a32026e00aebcf56b62f3.gifv]∞[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] Alessandra's first day of Junior Year was... off to a pretty rocky start to say the least. Up until the morning announcements she expected her first day to be perfect. Not only was she in homeroom with Cassie and Natasha but she was actually sitting behind KYLE! She definitely had to show Miss Goldman how thankful she was come teacher appreciation day. She had a secret crush on the older surfer. She first met him through his sister Malu when he picked her up from Houghton Skate Park. The moment that her eyes locked with his was the moment she knew that she found her future husband. Unfortunately he didn't seem to know that yet. She could almost swear he was avoiding her sometimes and Cassian didn't help things when he joined the Lacrosse team and "The Boys". Initially he didn't even want to bring her around them and at first she had no intention or desire to do so. She assumed, wrongfully of course, that they were just another boys club like their predecessors before them. But her opinion of them changed when she saw how happy they made Cassian. It was the happiest he had been since their father passed and she was glad he had guys he could go to that cared about and looked out for him. And once she met them and saw that Kyle was a member they were more than okay in her book and she would often make up excuses to join Cassie in their adventures. But when the morning announcements came and she had to stand for the pledge her mood shifted and she could no longer focus on the hunk of a man in front of her and his perfect hair that she wanted to sme---. Okay she could think about him a little. Ali was very capable of multitasking. During the assembly and once her brother had entered a state of temporary unconsciousness she vented her frustrations to Natasha about the pledge and Cassian getting her to stand when Miss Goldman ultimately made no fuss about it. But once they were finally out onto the field for the festival she decided to get her mind off of it. She felt a little better once she smacked Cassie awake and there was no way she was going to let an oppressive government and an idiot brother ruin her time at a festival. Plus an hour of venting was enough time to get over thirty seconds to a minute of standing. Alessandra made her way through the festival towards the botany club, but that was when she spotted something more important than the school's greenhouse in the corner of her eye. It was her time to turn this morning around. [color=ff99cc]“Kyle!”[/color] She was able to catch attention, but it seemed he couldn't tell where her voice was coming from so she tried again. [color=ff99cc]“Kyle! Over here!”[/color] Ali accompanied her words this time with an excited wave of her hand so that there was no possible way he couldn't tell who was calling out to him and for a moment she could've sworn he looked at her and kept walking away. She frowned at this and as she was pulling her hand down in slight embarrassment she was struck in the face by a white spherical object. Alessandra fell to the ground with a thud that almost matched the sound her face made. She forced herself not to cry refusing to make her day or herself feel worse than she already did. She looked up to see what her eyes believed was Kyle Voss running towards her in slow motion in lifeguard shorts which was weird because a beach was the one thing they didn't have at this school. [color=7FFFD4]“Hey, uh, you alright there, Ali?”[/color] She shook her head when she heard his voice causing reality to fix itself and she saw that Kyle was clothed and moving in normal speed. She almost forgot that he had spoke to her. Just when she was about to respond she felt a buzz from her pocket. She reached into her pocket to take out her phone and check the message. It was from her brother. Wow, perfect timing. [center][img]https://cdn.ifaketextmessage.com/convos/2021/09/iphone-yvTF.png[/img][/center] [color=ff99cc]"I think I am now, thanks. But uh... hey, can we go somewhere and talk? Away from the Botany Booth and the Boys?"[/color] [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210908/d397ee476f4ffcdd9c4328e1f30f6830.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/ef52e2841a9ed03fb1d582d1bc1b1e9593a615ec/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f534654323433545f666e503979773d3d2d3737313336363638382e313563313637323362636563313463633832313239353434383234372e676966[/img] Location: Freedom Festival; Botany Booth Interactions: Club members, [color=ff99cc]Sister[/color], [color=ffccff]Natasha Knight[/color][/center] [hr][hr] Cassian made his way to the Botany Booth and was confused when his sister wasn't there. Did he get there before her or did she get there and decide to leave? He decided to ask one of the senior members who said that they hadn't seen his sister since the assembly. He sighed in annoyance in having had to walk here to supposedly fix things between him and Sandra but she was nowhere to be found. Was she that upset with him that she'd shirk off her responsibilities? No, that wasn't like her at all. Responsibility was almost her middle name. He decided to text her hoping that he would get some kind of answer, but when she didn't respond he decided to give up and send a text to Nat. [center][img]https://cdn.ifaketextmessage.com/convos/2021/09/iphone-vvTF.png[/img][/center]