[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210728/c15625f21e7cc61545a828c2c46e0b00.png[/img][hr][hider=Mila] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk5MTBjOGQtMWU5Mi00NTM2LWIyNmItODYyNTQ4YzI1OWNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_SY1000_SX750_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] This whole experience was surreal. The speech by Judge-Pondwater nearly caused her to want to yell at him. Winners, losers, worthy, unworthy, innocent, and ... guilty. She began breathing a little irregularly. The last time she was in a courthouse, that was the word uttered that finally sent her down her path. She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell, but what good would that do? Even if this man didn't get angry by the outburst it likely wouldn't help their situation. The same thoughts must've been there, but maybe a little different, in her companions. As one of them had a full outburst, the others had more subtle words to express. However, it seemed Pondwater was most interested in the quiet response from the girl who seemed close to Mila's age. He soon used the triggering word again but Mila bit her tongue to avoid drawing attention to herself. When a guard was summoned to roughly grab regretted not saying anything but they were walking a fine line at this point. What was the snapping point? That answer would seemingly soon be answered as one of the guys added another tirade to the number. Mila felt a chill run up her spine at Pondwater's response which was soon followed by his gavel slamming upon the ground. The action caused her to jump letting out a slight yelp. Had they just gotten to the point which this judge would sentence them? Her thought was soon confirmed but not in the way Mila expected. They were going to have to fight the guards who brought them here? How would that be even possible? They seemed to have inhuman levels of strength. Guaranteed, many things here seemed inhuman. She did have to admit that there was some desire to hurt them back just as they'd done to her. There were many times she'd wish to have the capability to lash out at the prison guards, but both then and now, there was no way it was possible. She was a tad stronger than her frame would lead to believe, but that didn't mean she'd stand a chance in a head-on fight. The situation soon got worse as the guards shed their facade revealing their 'true' forms. The young woman watched on in horror as the creatures twisted and contorted into their disgusting forms. It was over. These things weren't human. They weren't even the animals they vaguely resembled. The beings were monsters. What chance did a small group of humans stand against monsters? But suddenly, something unexpected happened. Pondwater began acting as if in pain. Not long after their likely savior appeared. Mila was stunned. Who was this woman? Mila felt like she was supposed to recognize her but what was most striking was how she was dealing with the monsters. The woman told them to run, and that jogged Mila to quickly gather herself. Looking at the others she saw that they weren't in much of a state to run. The obvious issue was the brute on his back. Then there was some of their number fascinated by the battle. Worse was that, no matter how skilled, that woman wasn't going to be capable of handling all of them. She didn't have anything that could be useful in a fight. Nothing around them would be all that helpful either. But soon she realized that maybe her jacket was useful. It was quality material and sturdy. She hated the idea of ruining her family's gift but dying here would be worse. As everyone prepared to run, Mila pulled off her jacket and began running towards one of the flamingo creatures blocking their way. She saw the brute launching himself off the phone guy to attack one of the Shaxes. Mila took his lead lurching towards the second, swinging her jacket to block the vision of the creature and hit it at the same time. She heard a slight rip as she blocked its path, following that up with a kick to try and topple it. Without looking, [color=orange]"Hurry!"[/color]