[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9236cdb7-ac41-4995-ad5c-d8b32eeca303.png[/img][/center] [hider=GiGi] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8e956de2-42c7-49c3-a8c4-5f6e02300f0b.jpg[/img] [/hider] The blaring of the electric alarm at god awful early was met with a groan. “Dios mio!” The [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/92/0b/4f/920b4fbb98d33f88fb2869f591119afd--latino-men-telenovela.jpg]latino man[/url] exclaimed, running a hand over his face. He was obviously nude since the only thing preserving his modesty was the thin sheet across his hips. [color=PaleTurquoise]”Yes yes pray. That will make the things you did with your mouth last night not a sin. Honey, you might want to do the opposite. Might have more luck not being damned to hell.”[/color] A feminine voice drifted up along with a pale arm snaking out to stop the alarm from squawking. The hand that rested on the alarm clock was polished with a neat classy french manicure. [color=PaleTurquoise]”Are you planning to stay here all day? If so there’s water in the tap. That’s the extent of Southern hospitality at present, unless you want a ride to Chef’s.”[/color] Pale turquoise eyes framed by soot black eyelashes blinked as the woman rubbed her eyes and sat up snagging a black satin robe with a screen printed phoenix on it. Tossing the robe on quickly she hid the fact that she was just as nude as the male in bed. The latino male flashed a smoldering look at the woman’s long dancer legs remembering just how flexible the bombshell in the short robe was. “Mi corazon…” [color=PaleTurquoise]”Nope. No time for it Pedro.”[/color] She smirked as she teased him over her shoulder. “It’s Fer-.” The latino male looked offended. [color=PaleTurquoise]”Fernando. Yes, I like the song. I knew that. It was a test. You passed round one. Round two… not so much. Then again I’m a good sport. What’s my name Fernando?”[/color] Fernando smiles and runs through the night thinking about if she introduced herself. The light flicks on as the woman starts collecting clothing. Her long blonde hair, that he thought was fake, was natural as was her ripe strawberry colored mouth. He noticed that she was not the honey color that most women were. She was noticeably pale and her eyes stood out like jewels under brows that made the statement that she was not the same as other women. He remembered noticing that she wore little makeup and with her hair up he had not known that her hair fell past her waist in thick waves. “Genevieve.” GiGi stopped and looked up from her uniform for Chef’s and smiled.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Shower Nando?”[/color] [h3]...5 mins before GiGi’s shift...[/h3] The slight squeal of the tires on a [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcReO1FjoEPnFvCbRcia6YlQaYh1xzvBDovSww&usqp=CAU]1985 Firebird[/url] as the blonde behind the wheel smirked setting the break in the dive’s parking lot; while Steve preached the benefits of rolling with it to the gospel undertones that really nailed the point home. Gigi stepped out of the car in her [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51sj2qlhXZL._AC_SX385._SX._UX._SY._UY_.jpg]‘uniform’[/url]. Admittedly she looked pretty groovy but it was a pain that Chef has not budged on turning it into short shorts. Tying her apron on Fernando leaned down and kissed her cheek.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Go sit and I’ll bring you a menu. Then I’ll call you a cab.”[/color] Smirking, Fernando shrugged and said “Perhaps I’ll stay here so you have to take me home.” GiGi laughed then stopped seeing he was serious.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Oh sorry. You were serious. No no no Nando. You eat, you leave. I have a very busy schedule.”[/color] She raised an eyebrow and motioned between the two of them.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Are you trying to make this a thing?”[/color] Fernando looked confused. “You don’t…?” [color=PaleTurquoise]”Don’t put words in my mouth. But if you must know I don’t normally sleep with someone on the first night if they’re a long term thing.”[/color] GiGi shrugged.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Sorry. Now sit down, order and I’ll call a cab after that.”[/color] She watched as Fernando raised an eyebrow but sat down and looked over the menu. “GiGi you evil woman.” A smooth deep voice scolded. “That poor boy saw heaven and you just shut the gates on him.” Snorting GiGi turned to the voice and put her hands on her hips.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Yeah, not even Nevaeh. We are not doing the hypocritical thing this morning.”[/color] [url=https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/58d137ff4e139a651fbc15d1/2:3/w_640,h_960,c_limit/t-RuPaul-tv-show-jj-abrams.jpg]Nevaeh[/url] looked between Fernando and GiGi then sniffed, patting her hair. “Ain’t gettin’ any younger woman.” [color=PaleTurquoise]”Yes mama. I know mama.”[/color] GiGi snarked at Nevaeh.[color=PaleTurquoise] “Besides I’ve already slept with him. They don’t want more than that normally.”[/color] “Honey ain’t nothin’ normal about that latin angel you have in there.” Nevaeh remarked as they got into gear and started prepping for the start of the day.