"It is a shame that we cannot rely on the good Count to hire you as a minstrel," Kashvi remarked as she emerged from the darkness. "Come," she gestured and took off at a run, vaulting up onto the edge of the roof and launching herself across the gap to the next roof, landing quietly on the glazed tiles, her soft shoes muffling her falls. Galt followed without comment, leaping across the gap with his lit pipe still trailing smoke in one hand. Well he was a thief and if he wasn't up to the job it was better she learn in advance. Without comment she took off again, leaping from roof to roof as they traversed the Thieves Highway through the darkness. This was the last night of the waning moon and there was only a dull glimmer of moonlight to suplement the torches and lanterns in the street below. That made the following night the dark of the moon, which was too the good as it provided the most darkness, but also a problem as it was the night when the common folk new to best guard their valuables. It wasn't possible to reach Dimascu's manor via the Thieves Highway. By the time they reached the more opulent sections of the city the jump between roofs was growing too wide for easy leaps to cover, and the likelyhood of being spotted was increasing. Worst of all the manor itself was in the so called Green Quater. This was an area beyond the old walls in which nobles had constructed detached manor houses amidsts modest gardens and over groomed woods. The area was heavily patroled by the footmen of the various nobles who had houses there, and there was very little in the way of natural foot traffic. Passing the Garden Gate and into the Green Quater would have been obvious, even if they weren't both dressed rough, so Kashvi instead curved north to the Old North Tower. The old tower had been a cornerstone of the defences when the old walls had been the outermost ring of defences, but since the city had expanded and the new walls had gone up it had been left to crumble, a haunt for ravens and for the occasional couple who wanted a romantic view over the city at night. Fortunately there were no such romantics tonight. The top of the tower did provide an impressive view of the city though, from its crumbling pinnacle they could see all the way to the Black Harbor and glimpse the Ducal Palace with its thousand glass windows. The streets below bustled even at night and the steady fog of a thousand fires waved in the cool night air. Kashvi reached into her cloak and produced a small glass spy tube. She extended it with a snap and trained it on the distant manor. Staring through it for several seconds. The tube had been enchanted so that it rendered the scene as though it were daylight, albiet a slightly greenish and unnatural looking daylight. Finally she pulled the tube from her eye and passed it to Galt. "A difficult nut, as you people say."