[@Martian] "I love books and poetry" *Partners with a literal tank* Love it. Accepted. [@Crimson Flame] "Seems fairly well adjusted at first, but is a hot fucking wreck inside" Are you sure this isn't a lost Tamers character? Accepted. [@Renny] Yet another steaming mess of problems for the crew. But considering his Mega form, that's going to raise a LOT of [url=https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ActualEntireAnteater-size_restricted.gif]alarms[/url] when he finally does go Mega for the first time. Approved. [@BladeSS4] Only problem with this is that, ATLAS' memory-wipe program would have also included them fixing any and all damage his digimon did so that he didn't ask questions post-wipe. The other thing is that Craniamon is another one that will be on the list of digimon that will make the entire Board of Directors show [url=https://i.imgflip.com/3pml1r.jpg]Visible Concern[/url]. But i am not against it. Approved