Joseph awoke with a start, gasping inward deeply, usually, it felt like he’d been pulled up through the water, this time, and not uncommonly, he’d felt like he was drowning. The usual nightmares; one foggy childhood memory persisted, despite all the terrible things he’d done over the years, why did that persist? He grimaced to himself, and rubbed his face massaging his brow, before letting out a large grumbling sigh. He’d fallen asleep yet again on his sofa - a little too small, his neck had been positioned crooked to the side and his legs scrunched; he slowly and painfully unfolded himself to sit upright. He cast his eyes to the window whilst working out the aches - dark, but he could hear activity aboard the ship. Their day was soon to begin, and it was going to be a big day. They were here for the raid, under the radar of course - false documents and a friendly flag, the port authorities didn’t recognise the Morgue. Joseph had some scores to settle, especially after losing the Gallant - and the merchant responsible was going to pay dearly. He set about preparing himself and his crew for their impending assault on the town. Later that night, under the cover of darkness, the chaos of the raid unfolded, Joseph and a group of his men set upon the merchant’s home only to find him absent, a carriage making a getaway; he sent Rat in pursuit whilst he instructed his men to make their way back to the ship with the goods - they’d have to depart soon. Back on the ship the plan was coming together, Joseph marched along the deck ensuring all activities were in order to make their departure, “alright lads, finishing touches let’s get her moving! Once we’re clear it’s Bishop’s finest Scotch all round!” he hollered, grinning. He was just about to take his place at the ship’s wheel when the carriage appeared battering along the dock and making a stop at the ship, he heard Rat pulling someone from the cabin - Mr. Bishop he’d assumed, Joseph was greatly anticipating this moment, of course it was much to his surprise when a young woman in an emerald dress, red hair and furious - fearful - but absolutely furious, blue eyes was shoved onto the deck, Rat pushed her to her knees. Joseph blinked for only a moment, this wasn’t quite what he was expecting. He furrowed his brow and crossed his arms as Elissa threatened him, his green eyes examining her for a moment before he looked at Rat, rubbing his stubbled chin “is this how we treat the ladies, Rat?” he huffed, “my apologies Miss” he began, reaching out his hand to help her up - it was bejewelled with a couple of heavy rings, one was gold with a signet seal, which wasn’t clear unless upon closer inspection, there were tattoo markings on the back of his hand, these too were obscure. “So I’ll be saying you know Mr. Bishop rather well then Miss?” he smirked, looking to his crew he nodded to begin setting sail before turning his attention once again to his captive, there was something really quite striking about her, familiar perhaps - but really all these high society girls were fairly similar, that could have been why, he reasoned.