Samuel arm moved out and bloxcked her before picking her up and holding her close "I'm sorry little flower I can't let you get into any trouble" he mutters and vanished into the room and reincated a negating magic spell rendering him and sarena powerless in the room. The door was locked on the outside by Dante so only Dante could get them "I'm sorry Sarema I can't have us getting into any more trouble for Vos sake" Vos stayed deathly quite as she leads them around tense as ever, as they passed by the second in command went in, checking thankfully no one was injured in the room. Vos was incredibly tense everything was on the time when Jason was around. Her job, her career, her family, her life as well. Jason held the key over everyone's head even Vos she much like everyone here was a prisoner. Her face slightly red from the slap. Jason kept walking slowly through the hallways knocking on doors and demanding anyone inside to come out and face toward them.