[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Framing A Moose][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:10 AM[/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.gifer.com/LfnS.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=935DB8]Location:[/color][/b] Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop [b][color=935DB8]Skills:[/color][/b] Invisible Energy Manipulation[/center][hr] Veil yawned slightly, even with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. [color=935DB8]"I wish there was coffee,"[/color] she told Kristina with a slight smile, before throwing up a force field. An asteroid collided with the force field and burst into a million tiny pieces, but the impact caused Veil to slide backwards across the rooftop for a few feet. She shook her wrists out, feeling a bit overwhelmed as more asteroids just kept on coming. She could see the person throwing them - although they looked less like a person and more like a man made out of fire. Veil threw up force fields again, trying to block the next round of asteroids - these ones were smaller, crashing harmlessly against the shield. However, in the blink of an eye, two others suddenly appeared on the rooftop, likely having been teleported to the location by someone. One looked vaguely ape like with ash grey skin and the other was bright orange, like a Tic Tac, and hardly two feet tall. The Tic Tac slapped the ground and suddenly, the structure started to go from a solid to a liquid - he was going to destroy the entire building if no one stopped him. And the other, the grey one, extended his hands and suddenly, each asteroid was hitting with increased forced, as if gravity itself had been modified. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c9/53/78/c953783a244ee13f94696a6cc338b31e.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=DBA1DE]Location:[/color][/b] Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment [b][color=DBA1DE]Skills:[/color][/b] Mediumship[/center][hr] Casper had [i]some[/i] heroic tendencies - but mostly, he had [i]selfish[/i] tendencies. Yes, he liked this extended rent-free beach vacation and he was very amused by how everyone claimed to hate capitalism, despite the Quiet Council being comprised of die hard capitalists. But above all else, the things he loved most about Genosha were James and his family. He wasn't under any illusions that his mother needed protecting and Jackie had been avoiding him slightly, so that meant James was the last one standing. [color=DBA1DE]"I'm going with you, babes,"[/color] Casper said, as if it were a no-brainer. [color=DBA1DE]"Ben's sleeping anyways, so I can't really do anything."[/color] [i]"CASPER!"[/i] Ben shouted. [color=DBA1DE]"Oh look at that, it's the wind,"[/color] Casper mused, before falling to the ground from another sudden quake. [color=DBA1DE]"Really hope no one left their fine china out last night, because yikes those are becoming more frequent,"[/color] Casper observed. [color=DBA1DE]"So which way is it to this Hellfire Manor? I can hide with all of you squishy people and tell everyone about how my boyfriend is the hottest omega level mutant around. That's your real mutation, by the way - high level sexiness."[/color] The glass of their window then shattered, as a small fragment (roughly the size of a baseball) of an asteroid crashed on through, hitting the ground in front of them. [i]That[/i] got Casper moving. [color=DBA1DE]"Let's go, babe! Before god kills us!"[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7ad38adfa429c6d7cd8367528d1092e2/89826f98f6fbe321-3a/s540x810/0c5ad692c58212c69cf5c67fabdb9f803ba79d28.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#DAF7A6]Location:[/color][/b] Hellfire Bay - the Marauder [b][color=#DAF7A6]Skills:[/color][/b] Disease Manipulation[/center][hr] "Oi, I think that's your friend Veil," Marrow pointed out, nudging Sunshine in the ribs and gesturing over at Waverley. "Not sure about the others." Marrow had only met the younger mutants of the Mutant Underground - the New Mutants, if you would. She hadn't properly met the older ones yet, not due to anything malicious or anything, it just hadn't happened. They'd been busy living their best lives on the island - that and getting married. [color=#DAF7A6]"What? Oh, yes,"[/color] Sunshine said with a giggle. She knew Marrow knew Feedback's name. Sunshine waved at the group that had portal-ed in, before continuing her sprint towards the Marauder. The Marauder was more or less a pirate ship, used by the Marauders to ferry mutants home to Genosha. There were a few other ships bringing mutants from the mainland to Genosha, but the Marauder was the most well known ship. It also happened to be the one the attackers had targeted, likely knowing that without it, Genosha would struggle to remain accessible for more mutants fleeing their countries in search of a better life. "Hola, mutantes," a man with long black hair made entirely out of stone said. He wasn't alone. There was a fifteen foot orange giant carrying a hammer the size of Thor, a mischievous looking kid who was the spitting image of Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus, and a teenager who looked like he was made entirely out of water. "Get off of my pirate ship," Marrow told the stone man, flexing her muscles and more bone spikes grew out of her body, as she charged forward. She didn't care that he was made out of stone. She figured he had a squishy spot somewhere, even if it was just in the eyes. Sunshine twisted her hands, conjuring glowing green smoke orbs of disease, and went to fling them towards the attackers - only for the aquatic man to create a bubble around her head, cutting her off from oxygen and suffocating her. The impish boy then started popping in and out of view, teleporting all over the ship and leaving tiny devices behind - bombs. The giant with the hammer took a more simplified approach, swinging his hammer up against the mast, cracking it into two. [hr][hr][color=f7941d]House of M...[/color] The structural damage to the House of M was worse than anyone could've expected it to be - as if the earthquake was purposefully targeting the structure. Magneto was able to hold the room he was in with Moneta together through the sheer force of will. Polaris woke up to find that her room had collapsed around her and she let out a slight scream, as she threw all of the metal away from herself, only to reveal that she was more or less completely caved in. She took a few deep breaths, trying to get a sense of the damage, only to feel that all of the House of M had collapsed. And since she knew that her father's new replacement daughters were in the building, any shift to the metal could kill them. Zarina and Andy were relatively lucky. Yes, their room would collapse around them, but they would end up being flung into the hallway together. There was light coming from the end of the hall, so as long as nothing shifted and fell on them, they'd be able to get out and go to the Akademos... hopefully. In his room with Miranda, Magneto's face was covered in shadow by his helmet. [color=FF5733]"Whoever is responsible for this... They'll burn,"[/color] he swore. He didn't ask Miranda if she was alright. He threw his hand out in front of him, as if shoving an invisible door, and metal cleared out of their way. Magneto had made a path through an outer wall, meaning Miranda and himself would be able to get outside of the structure, and hopefully find whoever was doing this. He then started giggling like mad. [b]Poisonous smoke damage - everyone in the House of M will start laughing uncontrollably.[/b] [color=f7941d]Blackstone...[/color] Blackstone looked more like a Roman imperial palace than it did a home. Max's portal would allow him to emerge into the central courtyard, an open green space. Various statues were scattered throughout the courtyard, some of the visages twisted in horrified expressions. The most noticeable one would be a massive statue of Medusa, her snakes frozen in a deep hiss. "Oh good, you made it!" Pixie cheered, her pink wings fluttering either from nervousness, relief, or excitement. [color=CDC0CF]"Is this everyone? Good,"[/color] Selene said. [color=CDC0CF]"Come, gather into a circle and clasp hands. I'll be guiding this spell more than I usually do in our sessions, your experience levels just aren't there yet,"[/color] Selene added rather matter of factly. She took her own spot in the middle of the circle and Pixie reached out, grabbing Max's hand with her right, before grabbing the hand of someone else with her left. Everyone was circling up. Selene didn't even wait to see if the circle had closed, just assuming that it had. [color=CDC0CF]"Nemo in hac insula ingredietur. Nullus homo locum hunc polluet. Locus sacer, arbor sacra, terra sacra. Solum mutant pedes in solo Genosha calcare. Maledictum est sanguini omni homini qui audeat venire. Mortis sententia in omnem hominem nocet,"[/color] Selene chanted, speaking fluent Latin. [hider=Latin Translation]No man shall step on this island. No human shall defile this place. Our sacred place, our sacred trees, our sacred land. Let only mutant feet tread upon Genosha's soil. A blood curse upon any man who dares to come. A death sentence upon any human who brings us harm. [/hider] [hider=Roommies in the Mutant Underground] Bedroom 1 - Andy (technically) + Zarina (technically) Bedroom 2 - James + Casper Bedroom 3 - Spark Plug + Veil Bedroom 4 - Jack + Harry Bedroom 5 - Kristina + Waverley Bedroom 6 - Sunshine (technically) + Max + Havok[/hider]