Galt peered through the enchanted lens, sweeping his gaze across the walkways that circumvented the manor, reviewing any chokepoints where any men-at-arms might hem them in if they were discovered. He found four areas, two by the gardens and two by each 'wall' if they could be called such. There was a 'barrier' barely as tall as a man, mostly for show and to keep out the riff-raff and common loiterer. The foot traffic did little to ease his mind as well, though it would not be too difficult to make it through the crowd. Their exit was another matter. "Agreed," He said, doing his best to count every guardsmen he could see within twenty meters of the manor. So far there were thirty two in all, though doubtless some of them weren't in the particular employ of this Count Dimascu, but they had to be cautious and expect the worst. Thieves often had the reputation of holding a devil-may-care attitude, and while it was true in most cases, that did not mean they were not thorough, prepared, and above all careful. What was the point of paying dues if you weren't alive to enjoy your extra bit of freedom? He moved the spy glass to the windows, viewing a well furnished hall with expensive ferns. The desk was being dusted by maid. The next hall was empty, save for a great painting of who had to be Count Dimascu in stately garb; wherever someone looked, the eyes seemed to follow like any painting facing forward. "I say we go in tomorrow night an hour after sunset." He said, wholly aware at how gung-ho and insane the idea sounded. Any thief would wait until at least midnight, when the guards were the only ones awake within the grounds. He didn't look at her, but he still explained his reasoning just in case. "If we can get in there, grab it, and leave without being seen, then they'll be less likely to raise an alarm. Files the lord would have seen earlier that day suddenly missing would seem more like he simply misplaced them, and any door we leave open or footsteps heard could be attributed to any number of servants. Plus, even if a thief is suspected, they'll suspect amateurs rather than guild-rats." He placed the lens back in her hands, raising his brows to see what she thought.