[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/7eBfSNo.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] Towards Breiðablik -> a River?? [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] Asgardian Magic [hr][hr][/center] Runa was a little embarrassed by Edus' reassurances, her face flushing bright red. He really was supremely kind - and was quickly becoming her best friend, even though she was several years his senior. He had been consistently trying to cheer her up, even when her boyfriend didn't (from what she had gathered from watching some films on Midgard, boyfriends were notoriously bad at that, so she figured Lance was above average). [color=#a81a75]"Thank you - I appreciate your counsel,"[/color] she whispered back to him earnestly. He did make her feel better, embarrassment aside. Lance then tried to reassure her as well and Runa smiled ever so slightly. She wasn't used to people on Asgard being kind to her. As much as she loved her home and was fiercely protective of it, the people here broke her heart. On Midgard, they didn't do that. It was one reason among many that she spent so much time with the X-Men. However, out of nowhere there then was a large gust of wind and the next thing she knew, she was standing near a river. She heard Mary exclaiming something nearby, but Runa's eyes were trained on the water. She had nearly drowned in this river as a child. Her brother had been so upset when he found out what had happened, when Klara had been babysitting her... Runa knelt down for a second, scooping up some of the water with her hands and letting it escape through her fingers. She then shook her head slightly. [color=#a81a75]"We're an hour's walk away from my home,"[/color] she told Mary softly. [color=#a81a75]"Be careful not to tread on any of my mother's flowers - they're her pride and joy,"[/color] she then added. She got up from the ground and reached into her bag of runes, pulling out the one she desired by feel alone. She had a deep connection with the raidō rune - it stood for journey or ride. Runa threw the rune down at the ground and a ring of black magic emanated from it, and then stepping out of the waters were two unicorns. Runa mounted her unicorn, before glancing at Mary. [color=#a81a75]"I'm assuming you've ridden something before?"[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] Towards Breiðablik -> the Palace?? [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy [hr][hr][/center] [color=cc33ff][i]It's called what?? Breaklick?[/i][/color] Guin asked, not able to understand what Pietro was saying. Yes, Thor had been around for most of her life and she did teasingly call him Uncle Thor at times, but her knowledge of Asgardian words and how to pronounce them was limited. She pretty much knew the basics - [i]Asgard, Mjolnir, Bifrost...[/i] and that was it. She couldn't think of another important one off the top of her head. [color=cc33ff][i]Ask your doctor about if breakellick is right for you - side affects may include dressing like a bad Shakespearean actor,[/i][/color] she then joked. It was good to know though that she wouldn't be able to go into Runa's shiny home - Guin was pretty sure her purity had left the station a long time ago. [color=cc33ff][i]What's what?[/i][/color] Guin asked, before a second later she blinked and she had been whisked off to what looked like a palace. She had read enough Percy Jackson books to know basically every god had a palace, so Guin couldn't even guess who the palace belonged to. There was one thing she [i]could[/i] guess though - who had done this. [color=cc33ff][i]You have five seconds to explain why you whisked me off away from the action, babe.[/i][/color] [color=7ea7d8][i]Uh what?[/i][/color] came the response, actually he sounded a bit dazed when he spoke. [color=cc33ff][i]Why'd you run me to some random palace with Lance and Annie?[/i][/color] Guin asked again, a pit of dread forming in her stomach. She was going to kill Edus. [color=7ea7d8][i]I... I don't know, what just happened?[/i][/color] Guin's anxiety was getting worse. She didn't even answer, just closing her eyes and trying to switch places with Pietro through the mental link, but nothing happened. She could practically see Professor X out of the corner of her eye, informing her that she needed to train more. [i]Ugh.[/i] [color=cc33ff][i]Babe, I don't think you're in control of your body. Can you fight it?[/i][/color] [color=cc33ff]"I think Pietro's being mind controlled - not sure by who. Guessing the same asshole who's eating realities like a Hungry Hungry Hippo."[/color] [color=7ea7d8][i]Wait when could that have happened? And just what?[/i][/color] Guin forced herself to focus, pacing back and forth slightly. [i][color=cc33ff]Come here,[/color][/i] she said strongly, doing her best to give Pietro a forceful suggestion and hijack his brain. She had no idea if it worked or not though. She had tried more new things with her telepathy in the last 24 hours or so than she had... well, [i]ever. [/i]