[hider=Zero][h2]Zero The Drifter[/h2] [b]Name: [/b]Keenan Kyne [b]Nickname: [/b]Kyle [b]Alias: [/b]Zero [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Age: [/b]22 [b]Birthday: [/b]October 23’rd [b]Blood Type: [/b] B positive [b]Species: [/b]Human [b]Occupation: Drifter [/b]Drifter, a secretive and unique job/title given to a medium with unique talents and the motivation to use them to defend Agatha, even at the behest of their life. Drifters are given freedom to pursue their own targets and to execute their own missions because at any given point in time a Drifter can be called to action in Agatha. It is common knowledge that most monsters cannot get past the barrier protecting Agatha save for on a few instances higher level monsters have broken through on rare occasions. A Drifter preemptively strikes monsters who are deemed hazardous to the immediate future of Agatha, be they close to Agatha’s barrier or simply strong enough to be deemed too great a threat to ordinary Mediums who prefer striking a monster head on. The work of a Drifter is not seen by an audience, but felt by the world whenever a destructive monster can no longer take human lives. [b]Hometown: [/b]Agatha [b]Theme: [/b] [hider=Zach Hemsey-See what I've Become] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT_GaSfhlxc[/url] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [b]Image: [/b][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/4f/3a/7f4f3abd8baf4902683969fd9635e2df.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2]Body Information:[/h2] [hr] [b]Ethnicity: [/b]North Caucasian American [b]Height: [/b]6’2 [b]Weight: [/b]180 lbs [b]Eye Color: [/b]Dark Brown [b]Hair Color: [/b]Jet Black [b]Voice: [/b] [hider=Mordin-Speech Pattern] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDHfVC-WFxo[/url] [/hider] [hider=Ban-Voice Depth] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPVWofLdDi8[/url] [/hider] [h2]Personality:[/h2] [b]Usual: [/b] Keenan is known mostly for keeping to himself, speaking to others only when necessary or when he feels like expressing his opinion to others. Slightly hypocritical but that is who he is at his core. This does not mean Keenan does not speak, he simply does not engage with others often. When he does, it is usually a hell of a conversation or just a plain weird one. He seems energetic, but most people assume that when they see him when in reality he just simply does not like to stop moving for very paranoid reasons. [b]In Battle: [/b] Keenan speaks a tremendous amount during battle, usually speaking to himself but is willing to banter with a witty enough adversary. [b]Habits: [/b] Keenan will rub the base of his nose when irritated or upset and scratch his knuckles when impatient. He has a tendency to redo or re-read things multiple times before being satisfied and also has a tendency to repeatedly strike fallen opponents to ensure their defeat or death. [b]Making Friends: [/b]Keenan has a system in place for when he wants to decide on if he should trust someone who is wanting to be his ally. He asks them 1 of any 3 simple questions. A man approaches you wearing nothing but beggars clothes and a smell upon him like he had been living in the woods? He opens his hands and asks for you to spare something to eat. What do you do? A woman offers you a slice of pie? What do you do? You are training for combat when a demon appears before you, ready to fight? What happens next? [b]Sexuality: [/b] Heterosexual [b]Likes: [/b] Spicy food, the color purple, tall women with big butts, ants, situations where something needs to be unlocked or solved [b]Dislikes: [/b] lying, secrets, anything hidden, demons, people who are attracted to feet, fried vegetables [b]Hobbies: [/b]reading, exploring, documenting, dissection, monster experimentation, puzzles, making juice. [b]Issues: [/b] Keenan has a deep seeded distrust of anything and everything, going as far to even say he doesn't trust himself. He believes that too much of the world is hidden from humanity, too many things are unknown or not bothered to be looked into. This, in his opinion, is humanity's greatest weakness and he is intent on learning all there is to know that is hidden behind a lock or illusion. [b]Alignment: [/b] Neutral [h2]History: [/h2] October 23’rd Keenan was born in an no named slum of Agatha. June 7’th - 4 years later - Mary Kyne disappears on mission, Keenan was taken in by Executive Branch Mediums Finna, Gonn, and Etcha. Keenan is trained in martial arts and magic control for many years. 6 years later enrolls in Brionac Academy. Single handedly and reflexively kills a Basilisk as soon as it is brought in by Instructors for combat experience during his 1’st year. Breaks all of the schools toilets simultaneously because he claimed spider monsters were creeping into the school through them. Nearly kills an instructor because Keenan claimed he was a machine sent to kill him. Crushed all the schools beans at one point Flooded one of the school's Home Ec class and threatened to electrocute everyone unless they revealed their equally shared secret, which was a surprise party for Keenan to help open him up more. It is revealed that Keenan started several fights between several older and younger classmates for an experiment he wanted to see be performed. Covered a cafeteria in Cinder Monkey feces as an experiment. During graduation, Keenan revealed a volume of secrets the school and its instructors have kept secret from the students causing mass hysteria. After Graduation, Keenan spent the next part of his life as a Drifter killing multiple high tier monsters in defense of Agatha. Captured rogue medium “Blizzard King Burgeeze”. Killed the demon “TelaTela”. Captured rogue medium “Gojeez”. Freed countless humans in the upper world. Was nearly fired as a Drifter and imprisoned for certain peculiar investigations. [b]Childhood: [/b]Early reports of Keenan Kyne are vague yet a picture can still be painted. His mother, Mary Kyne, was a powerful Medium in the service of Agatha. There is no official report as to what happened to Mary, but she has not been seen since before Keenan was taken in by executive branch Mediums for training before his time at Brionac Academy. Some say she was simply killed by a demon during a mission away. According to official records he was enrolled into Brionac Academy at age 11, diagnosed with extreme paranoia, severe trust issues, mental instability, extreme involuntary reactions to simple actions, and sleep apnea although there is a note in the file stating that Keenan claims he only needs 3 hours of sleep to function for up to 48 hours. His initial power screening was beyond expectations, rating highly in potential on the battlefield. His mental issues kept him from becoming First Class and was made Third Class Officially. Unofficially, many have claimed he was actually made Class Zero which would make sense given his recorded potential and bad personality. Keenan received mid level marks in everything he did, never standing out or drawing attention, never doing so poorly people would try to help him or notice him because of it. Save for…...extreme and avoidable accidents caused by Keenan. Keenans odd behavior and lack of filter often got him hassled by those whom he had interactions with most of the time, save a few individuals. As a side note the Academy has noted that during his time there, Keenan made less friends than there are fingers on your hand and never tried to intermingle romantically, which is something the Academy deals with frequently because putting a bunch of adolescent superhumans together in the same place could never end up with a high amount of romances gone wrong. There are official reports on the day that Keenan invoked his Jinn. When Keenan ventured into the Void, the name of the cave those who wish to invoke a Jinn must go to, he found himself immersed in darkness at first. Unable to see or hear anything, Keenan said he simply sat down from where he stood, crossed his arms and closed his eyes, and waited. A hushed voice began echoing softly throughout the cave as if it was much much bigger than it truly was, soft enough to be mistaken as wind draft or breeze. Keenan listened intently to his surroundings, eventually making out enough to piece together a question. “What is your truth” Keenan has said he gave a response immediately, knowing the answer fully. “Truth? No such thing as truth, truth is a fabrication made up of small facts, opinions, lies, ignorance spread out to keep people calm, bad question spooky voice, wait not spooky more like mysterious. ” This time a soft, soothing, almost feminine voice could be heard by Keenan. The mysterious asked, “What is it that you can see” “I see nothing, nothing, not a thing. As soon as I think I see something clearly I rip away another veil only to have more questions than answers” “What do you wish for most” At this question, Keenan was unable to give an immediate response. Very unusual for Keenan, as someone who nevers stops talking. Keenan would think about how he wanted people to stop hiding things from him, lying just to protect or control him. He had been given the training to kill the enemies of humanity, but after how he and his mother had been treated for years by those in charge of humanity he would rather kill humans - a surprising tidbit of information given by Keenan since so much of his past is classified or not documented at that point - or at the least expose the crimes of those in charge who he had dealt with. Keenan would remark how he knew he was trained so intensely because he was meant to be a beacon of hope for Humans but he had no interest in inspiring. After a few more moments of thought Keenan spoke. “A shocking ending to a bygone era. I wish to be able to find the right questions to ask, to find a path to the heart of the storm” Keenan kept his eyes closed the entire time but felt a strange warmth over his entire body. A comfortable warmth, as if he was being embraced by a loved one. Keenan would somehow gain an instant understanding of the Jinn in that moment, information flooding Keenans mind. The Jinn he has invoked was called Tabitha who embodied the personification of comfort. The Jinn offered to grant keenans wish, to grant Keenan the sight he wanted so desperately to see through the lies and deception of this world. There was a condition as well, the Jinn wanting Keenan desperately to be free of the burden he has placed on his own mind, that Keenan must find some sort of peace amongst his kind. Keenan did not know what kind of peace there was to be found anywhere, but he agreed and the two became bound. Records of Keenan stop after he graduates from the Academy until he is a little over half way through the age of 19, as a mysterious medium begins circulating in the press and gossip circles. A medium that wields a katana and uses lightning magic, this mysterious medium shows up from time to time dragging a monster carcass behind him, bringing back with him to Agatha a group of humans that had been about to monster food or worse, and from time to time even if you do not see him you might hear the sound of thunder or lightning somewhere outside the barrier. It's been said the few times he has been heard speaking within the city as he returns from the outside is, “GottaDrift”, over and over again to himself never faltering from those words even when questioned. Those who have spoken to him and managed to get him to say something different have never revealed what he has said or why they won't share. People began to refer to him as the Drifter “Zero” and the name pretty much stuck. [b]Family: [/b] Mary Kyne/ Mother/ Deceased-MIA [b]Religion- [/b] Keenan chooses not to engage in any form of worship, but leaves the possibility open that there is a creator or creators. Keenan believes that demons, humans, everything are mainly genetic accidents but with so much in this world that goes on Keenan would like to think there is an origin to it all tied to a single source. Yet Keenan has yet to prove it so he remains faithful to his genetic accident belief. [h2]Combat Information[/h2] [h3]Armaments[/h3] [b]Weapons: Avagobab[/b] [hider=Weapon appearance] [img]https://www.nicepng.com/png/detail/0-8774_katana-wallpaper-sabre-muramasa.png[/img] [/hider] This one handed katana was forged for Keenan by his Jinn. The sword appears as it does in the captured image used for Keenan, conducts his lightning magic well, can be put in and summoned from void space for protection and convenience, and has been said to be able to deflect lightning without its wielder sustaining damage. [b]Armor: [/b] Long sleeve black shirt Black fingerless gloves tucked underneath the shirt sleeves with onyx black and dark silver trimmed bracers. Grey, sleeveless, cloth robe with a brown and grey belt Black cargo pants Black boots Thin white bandage cloth wrapped around his neck loosely. The two end strips dangling downwards [b]Other: [/b] small, leatherbound, journal Keenan uses often. [h3]Parameters[/h3] Strength: ★★★★★☆+☆☆☆☆ Resonance: ★★☆☆☆☆+★☆☆☆ Defense: ★☆☆☆☆☆+★★☆☆ Resilience: ★☆☆☆☆☆+★★☆☆ Reaction: ★★★★★☆+☆☆☆☆ Perception:★★★★★★+☆☆☆☆ [b]Fighting Style: [/b]Keenan uses a very aggressive form of martial arts made from a mix of several compatible ones. He focuses on quick and decisive attacks, preferring to end combat quickly. After aggressively striking, if his first strike did little to no damage, Keenan will adapt to an aggressive counter type style with his martial arts. While he does fight aggressively, do not mistake this for fighting foolishly. When a quick finish is not possible, Keenan will attempt to overpower his opponent(s) with magic. This can result in allies accidentally being targeted as well. Keenan wields a katana called Avagobab, created from a fallen angel who presumably used some form of lightning magic. [b]Aura Color: [/b]Clear white with the outskirts of his Aura a deep layer of black, almost like his aura was a bright white candle light around his body and the black layer was the flame. [hider=Aura appearance] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.b89e1ba921218efeb9c63831d87e34af?rik=R4pYXnXpRl7qEQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2forig04.deviantart.net%2fc9c3%2ff%2f2016%2f268%2f8%2fd%2fssj_white_aura_evil__mastar_media__by_345boneshoss-daiw1ow.png&ehk=qlP0Chpd%2bNoidiPrzmjmwZtT0bPRyYdsc%2fTM4ebh8JY%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] [/hider] [h3]Attack Skills[/h3] [b]Charlie Chapter Section C /or/ Candela Surprise[/b] When the user snaps their index finger and thumb a small flash is produced, similar to a camera flash. This skill deals no damage but blinds the target, or anyone currently attacking the user for a single turn. Can be used as a reaction but if used in this way no other technique can be used during this skill. When used three or more turns in a row, it will inflict the user with a Burn status. [b]Delta Chapter Section A /or/ Angel Weeping Lightning Bolt[/b] This skill endows its user's weapon with lightning magic, sheathing it in a discord of electricity for a single strike. When used to parry, the clash creates a small electric explosion, affecting only the target and forcing them back, preventing a follow-up attack regardless of their Reaction (excluding a Rush or Finest Arts). When used against a Guard, it deals 5% chip lightning damage to the target for 2 rounds. If the attack hits directly against an organic target, roll a D6. If a roll of 5 or 6 occurs, the target loses the rest of their current turn (for taking damage), and will be Stunned on their next turn, losing their guaranteed action after recovery. [b]Alpha Chapter Section C /or/ Company Corruption Combo[/b] The user charges their fist with lightning magic, causing them to carry a small black electric charge for 5 rounds. When the caster strikes an opponent with any attack during this time, they receive part of the charge, which will increase the more times the caster hits the affected opponent. The charge will lower by 1 level after the end of each of the target's turns. This charge causes a constant 5% lightning damage per charge level (caps at 25%). One charge level can also be transferred from the target to one of their allies each time they are touched, such as when Rescuing them, or feeding them an Elixir to revive them. [b]Gamma Chapter Section Redacted /or/ Corrupted Storm Strike[/b] A skill that can be used with a free action any time during the 5-round charge of Company Corruption Combo. The user swings their weapon or chosen attacking body part away from the lightning and into a battle ready stance with a trail of black electricity following the tip of the weapon as it is pulled away. The user launches one incredibly fast attack or weapon strike in one swift motion. Once the trajectory has been set, the user cannot change where and how they will attack, even when an opponent’s skill would normally force them to change their target. When used to Rescue an ally, this attack will interrupt the activation of the target’s last used skill or spell (unless it was previously Safe Cast). If the attack pierces organic flesh, roll a D12. If the roll results in a 10 or 11, the same Stun effect of Angel Weeping Lightning Bolt is applied. If a roll of 12 occurs and the target does not pass a dodge check, they will roll again, using Resilience instead of Perception. If they also fail this, they will black out for 3 rounds. [b]Alpha Chapter Section D /or/ Corrupt Repulsion[/b] This skill can be used even if Zero is disarmed, and can have a Strength value of [i]either[/i] Strength +2, or Resonance +2. The user alters the weak electromagnetic force emitting from their hands to repel anything that gets too close to them. The caster can use this skill when wanting to use non lethal force, as this will not kill, but if the caster attempts to punch their target with this skill, the amount of force from the intended punch as well as the repulsion will still physically affect the target. The Target does not get blown away by this skill, but can be bruised or lose their balance as this skill is mainly used for warding off enemy weapon strikes when unarmed. [b]Beta Chapter Section Redacted /or/ Under Pressure[/b] With an open palm strike anywhere on a target's body as long as bare skin is touched by the user's palm, the user can manipulate their target's weak electromagnetic pulse and amplify it, causing the target’s body to feel heavier. Depending on how much clothing the target is wearing, Zero may need to be in stealth mode to attempt this, and he can manipulate only one target at a time. The Burden status will halve the target’s Reaction and Perception, and will stay in effect until another target is chosen, Zero is KO’d, or until the end of the fight. [b]Meta Chapter Section Redacted /or/ Dance Of Discord 5 Step Elimination[/b] The caster starts this Finest Art by casting Delta Chapter Section A /or/ Angel Weeping ThunderBolt. The caster swipes his weapon in front of him 5 times, creating 5 black, immobilized, thunderbolt looking slashes floating mid air. The caster thrusts his weapon forward in the middle of the slashes, sending all 5 slashes and thrust attacks forward in a spiral of black thunderous energy towards their opponent dealing immense lightning damage. [h3]Resonant Power[/h3] [b]Alpha Chapter Section A /or/ Corrupt Lightning Conduit[/b] The caster forms the horn hand sign, stretching out the index finger and pinky while curling the rest of their fingers, conjuring a magic circle in front of the casters hand/hands momentarily. This spell can be cast with one or more hands. A single black electrical charge pulses between the two fingers outstretched and covers the tip of the two fingers as well. This attack spell can be used in close range as a melee attack for a lethal electrical overload to mechanical enemies. If cast at range from the intended target a black electric current can be shot, Stunning with a D6 roll of 4 or higher. At Tier 2, the bolts will hit anything within Field magic range, and at Tier 3, the bolts are fired into the sky and rain down. [b]Beta Chapter Section Redacted /or/ True NearSight[/b] After conjuring a magic circle the size of an eyeball in front of the casters eye(s) their vision turns into a spectrum of different colors that the caster can decipher as information. When the spell is focused in both eyes they can see the target’s name, sex, age, blood type, height and weight, and currently held items. At Tier 2, the spell is focused in one eye; the spell is amplified, able to decipher their combat parameters (stats) including their current HP, RP and status effects, along with their nature/alignment and elemental proficiencies, including their elemental resistances. At Tier 3, all non-player characters’ next moves will be revealed, along with any behaviors they’ve learned during the current battle. Any variant of this spell lasts for 1 turn when used in battle; additionally, Tier 2 and 3 variants of this spell can [i]only[/i] be used in battle. [b]Beta Chapter Section Redacted /or/ SoundBar[/b] The caster conjures a magic circle in front of any part of their body that can make sound, the easiest being the mouth with the second being their hands. The caster makes any type of sound into the magic circle, the louder the sound the stronger the effect is, causing the sound to be amplified exponentially in volume. The pressure emitted from the sound becomes an incorporeal wall of sound from the caster, causing nearby sentients to become Confused, disrupting their movements for a moment. At Tier 2, if the sound produced is loud enough it can even halt projectiles and melee weapons, parrying any attack within the small area the sound encompasses while leaving the caster unharmed. At Tier 3 a disorienting sound is telepathically sent to all enemies. [b]Alpha Chapter Section B /or/ Corrupt Lightning Aura Chain Jail[/b] Targets within the effective range of this spell have their aura wrap itself around the affected target(s) wrists. Black static pulses through and around the forcibly summoned aura, increasing the cost of casting magic by 1 RP and reducing Reaction by 1. Each turn, Zero may ask two questions, to one or two targets. If the intended recipient(s) of his questions knowingly lie to him or refuse to answer, the debuffs stack each turn until the stack hits 10, the spell ends, or they answer the question. This spell can last until Zero’s HP runs out, or he cancels it. [b]Unique Spell: Zeta Chapter Section Redacted /or/ Deception Discovered By Everyone /or/ D2BE (D2-BE)[/b] When the caster suspects someone is not going to be truthful or is currently lying he activates D2BE, and can access a unique spell granted to them based on their own paranoid and suspicious nature. The caster then can ask the one marked with the magic circle any question and if the one affected refuses to give an answer the caster steals an amount of health equal to half a star of magic damage. If the one affected lies then their last skill or spell that they performed or cast is disabled until they answer another question asked by the caster truthfully. More skills and spells can be locked if the one affected answers with more lies. This ability will last until the caster is touched by another, very easily dispelled. [b]Omega Chapter Section Redacted /or/ Hell Spawn Variant Summoning: Corrupted Hydra Fusion[/b] The caster summons a magic circle, starting the process of summoning a Hydra. A mighty three headed lizard whose size is massive compared to a human's standard size, the hydra is not physically assimilated but its essence is brought forth in front of the caster. They send it through the magic circle, transporting it to Hell itself. Summoning, transporting, and corrupting the Hydra takes moments from start to finish after which the caster calls back the corrupted essence of the newly formed Corrupted Hydra and temporarily fuses his with it. The caster takes on a hybrid form, humanoid in nature and similar to how the caster originally looked. The casters' eyes change color, teeth become sharper, and their skin becomes a darker tanish red as if they were being heated up intensely from inside their own body. The caster gains new armor, a full body set of Corrupt Hydra Scale armor, pitch black and sharp on the corners. If the caster wields a weapon and the weapon is strong enough it will also be enhanced in appearance and nature. The caster can survive one deathblow in this state, like how a hydra will regrow its head if chopped off. His Jinn bonus also doubles, giving +1 Resonance and +2 Defense and Resilience. [h3]Personal Skills[/h3] [b]Tactical Espionage[/b] Keenan begins each battle in stealth mode. While in stealth mode, so long as Keenan does not engage in direct one-on-one combat with an enemy, that enemy will choose to attack other targets, unless Keenan is the only target available. Keenan will also not be included in Resonant magic targeting the party unless he has been exposed, or is the only valid target on his team. After being exposed, Keenan can re-enter stealth mode any time he has a free action (re-entering stealth mode does not use the free action, so he can still drink an Elixir or something). Any time Keenan is the only enemy target, he is instantly booted out of stealth mode. [b]Toxin Resistance[/b] When afflicted with the lethal poison status, the status is replaced with regular poison after one turn. Keenan also cannot be KO’d by poison, and will be left with 0.1% HP no matter how many turns pass. [b]Art of Deception[/b] Keenan gains hyper-awareness at the very start of battle allowing him to examine his surroundings at top speed. He gains +4 stars of Perception, one of which he will lose for every turn he is not in stealth mode, until his Perception stat returns to its base level. He can also use True NearSight at the start of battle. [b]Faithless[/b] Every turn that Keenan uses a sight based spell (NearSight, Chain Jail or Deception Discovered) he builds an internal electric charge that deals constant 5% chip damage to him until he uses a “black lightning” ability, dispelling the charge. For every lie he is told by an enemy under the influence of an ongoing spell, he recoups 1/5th of the lost HP during that turn. The longer a battle goes on without his questions being ignored or a lie being told, however, the more the charge will stack, dealing 10% per turn, 15%, etc.[/hider]