[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980536873577504798/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][hr] [color=gray][i]“Mama, why do the inquisitors hate us?” “I don’t know, Lasiseia.”[/i][/color] A fringe memory from years ago. Lasiseia Krow barely remembered it, but it was there. Like an old song that someone forgot the lyrics to. But after being consumed by her grief of losing everything she had ever known it had been buried in her. The only thing she knew was her instincts and her rage. It was a unfortunate reality, but the malum prodigy had been consumed by her own darkness and for months now it had deluded how she normally thought. The girl with fire red hair threatened her, almost with glee. It was just her and the boy. The rest of their group of inquisitor-lackeys were taking on her final treant. She felt in her bones she still had an advantage, but there was something about the girl that made her hesitate for a second. But only a second. Much like a cornered animal she hissed before swooping back at the two with great speed, slashing and pawing at them with her malum claws with great speed and dexterity; switching targets on a dime between flurries of strikes. The two dodged, almost instinctively, though she was very quick. She needed to strike and strike fast or else what would happen would happen like it did before. Strike before the rest killed her. There was more screaming in her head; another memory--her mother's body lying in two. If she ran away who was to say if she could get away clean? The magic she had been ‘blessed’ with as a child conflicted her thinking. The blonde girl stepped up. Talking about her magicks. And then she ran at her. Lasiseia’s eyes widened, not with fear but instead with immaculate joy. [color=E3485D]“Don’t—”[/color] The red-haired girl called out to her companion as Lasiseia weaved underneath the sword, the blade swiping a fringe amount of hair over her head. The brown-haired girl’s energy surged as she twisted the malum on her left hand from a claw into a blade. One strike in the heart is all it would take. That is until the sound of the spark of lightning caught her ear and she had to spin eastward in a dash to create some distance as a lightning bolt shot down to where she previously stood. [color=988C72]“My, my! Did you really think it’d be that easy?!”[/color] The brown-haired girl exclaimed before twisting back as her feet touched the earth. [color=988C72]“I may be only sixteen-years-old, but I am no fool!”[/color] She held out her hand, the dark mass that had once had formed claw constructs moving into a sphere into her hand. [i]Solidus Malum.[/i] To draw your dark energy into solid matter. In a split second she spun it around in her palm as it began gathering a blitzing amount of speed before the red-haired girl could send out another bolt of lightning in her general direction. The ball of sticky malum goo would fling itself at the lightning-summoning nuisance who was already channeling another attack. As it splatted upon her longcoat Lasiseia would lick her lips. Long Live the Eileithyia. She pressed her fingers, sparking with malum energy as she did so and snapped. [i]Incaendo.[/i] The malum substance on the red-haired girl’s coat began to sparkle and then it exploded in black and purple. When the smoke cleared the fulgur magi was on the ground, groaning in pain. It was a little surprising to see at first given how many grunts the brown-haired girl had handled with it before, but such was life. She would have to happen upon a more hardy group. At least she didn't have to dodge lightning bolts for the time being. She laughed as claws began to form around her hand once more and she charged. Though, this time? She charged past the duo, doing a side-flip off one of the giant trees and made for their backlines. Toward the tall woman. [/indent] [/indent][/indent]