[@Taka] I took a look at your formatting. Sorry for the delays everyone, I've been mentally unwell and creatively dead inside. But I'm back, I think, hopefully. Age also is an educated guess since you had, like, 26 listed and I know that's not correct. [hider=The Fighter][color=white][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210909/f174f3e8f098538b6facc4e5f0911687.png[/img] [color=gray][sub][i]“I am the storm that is approaching.”[/i][/sub][/color][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/34/c5/dd/34c5dde1bee34113f55e85edd6c4368f.jpg[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER]Varis Naivera [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] 150 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Male [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] High Elf [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] True Neutral [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Battlemaster [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Sage [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Battle Maneuvers[/B] [color=gray]Varis has spent his long life, learning various different techniques, or Maneuvers if you will. He has learned from various Elves and Humans in the art of war, studying sever texts to increase his own knowledge of combat. This has also extended to knowledge on weapon usage, Varis is proficient at using most weapons with ranged weapons being on the weaker end for him.[/color] ► [B]Blade That Booms[/B] [color=gray]Being a High Elf, Varis was born with a high magic aptitude. This lead to him learning a single spell to increase his marital prowess; Booming Blade would be that spell. Booming Blade is a cantrip that surges lightning around whatever weapon he is holding with the added effect of causing a delayed shock for the affected if they try walking after. This is a signature spell for Varis.[/color] ► [B]Schloar[/B] [color=gray]150 years have given the Elf Fighter a long time to study up on the history of the world, and what has been crafted by the people that inhabit it. From Religion, to History, to Medicine, and even Investigative knowledge, Varis has expanded his mind well beyond his Elven history. This also helps him in the fact that he teaches for a class of diverse races. You can find Varis with a book in his hand during his downtime.[/color] ► [B]Shieldmaster[/B] [color=gray]To keep this short and sweet, Varis is master in wielding his shield. He can defend even the most awkward of attacks with his shield, even completely defending from spells that normally could bypass shields. Some men think it's impossible stop a fireball with a shield, Varis would like to show otherwise.[/color][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ I N V E N T O R Y[/b][/sub] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Armor[/B] [color=gray]Varis tends to wear medium armor. Never one to hide his armor, it can be seen as a breast plate. He prefers to wear armor with the most protection but also loose to stop his movement from being hindered. Varis can stand on the front line with the best of them, shield in hand. [/color] ► [B]Weapons[/B] [color=gray]As a fighter, Varis could wield a variety of weapons if he so wanted, but that is not his style. Instead Varis keep his trusty at his side at all times. To compliment the shield, he keeps longsword for close range fights, a spear if he needs range, and a small hand crossbow as a backup. He does keep a elven dagger at his waist but, that is only for a last resort. [/color] ► [B]Coinpurse[/B] [color=gray]Varis is a teacher so he is paid moderately well, this not including his years of saving. Don't let this fool you tho as Varis is a not a rich man at all but, he can live comfortably above the poverty line. [/color] ► [B]Misc. Items[/B] [color=gray]Beyond a belt for potions, a few survival items like flint, and a small necklace shaped like a lion, Varis does not keep much on him. He only brings what is necessary as he already carries more weapons than the normal adventurer. [/color][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]P E R S O N A L C H A R A C T E R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][indent][i]Varis was a lucky child, born on the mainland to two elven parents. Cysegr would be the place he called home. As a young elf, Varis was took a vested interest in the history of the many races, learning all he could during small adventures from his home. He came to love meeting new individuals from other races, exchanging stories and even fighting techniques. Fighting was a secondary joy for the elf as he trained with his mother, a Battlemaster in her own right. What was not expected was his affinity with the shield, using it at an elite level to defend and create openings. Varis took his studies and training seriously, never leaving a second to slack off. A hundred years would seem to fly past in the blink of an eye before he met someone that would take his the brunt of his interest. Her name was Arianna Moon, a human barbarian who had been adventuring like many before her. Their meeting would initiate a friendly fight between the two, Varis to test his abilities and Arianna to test her blade against his 100 year experience. Love would bloom on a battlefield that day. For years the two lovers would fight, teach, and create a family together. A young girl named Veronica after Arianna's own mother. Varis was a good father, becoming attached to his child as she grew up before him, and always teaching her to use her mind over the sword. Their family would eventually feel loss as Arianna would pass away due to old age, her husband and daughter outliving her due to the elven physiology. A pain that would remain with Varis to this very day, unable to truly reconcile with losing the closest person he's ever known. For over 30 years, Varis would teach elven children Cysegr, making a name for himself amongst his elven people. Stern and Stubborn to a fault, the man would use every opportunity to show the next generation the world they lived in. He loved it and his mind would never stop seeking knowledge in all it's forms. [/i][/indent][/color] [b][sub]F A V O R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][INDENT][i]Varis has met Ordrin before through Veronica's own dealings and misadventures. Ordrin contacted Varis quickly once he heard the news of the Caravan going missing, including Veronica who had been tasked with protecting it. Varis agreed to help Ordrin, and in return Ordrin will help him with finding Veronica. Single-minded and Focused, nothing will get in Varis' way. [/i] [/INDENT][/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [/COLOR] [/hider]