Welcome to the military soldier Post your character here no need to ask to join once you've posted your in! When we have enough players (2 or more including me) we will get the RP forum set up! I'm on as much as I can so get on and fight some communists! character template US MILITARY FILE (name here in all caps) General Information Name: Gender: Age: Sexuality: Military Information Branch: Rank: Specialization: Voluntary or Conscripted: Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Melee Weapon: (If Any) Temporary Weapon: (Grenades, Molotov Cocktail, etc.) Appearance Hair Color: Eye Color: Race: Body Build: (Slim, Muscular, etc.) Other: (Albinism etc.) Personality Information Personality Traits: Likes: Dislikes: Loves: Hates: Fears: Backstory History: Family: