Having walked all the way here from his training near Zaban City, Lyle Rockwood was worn out, a bit irritable, and wondering if this was one of his uncle's dumb pranks. Getting an invitation to some bar, to meet a guy calling himself a tiger? A white one if memory served Lyle right. It all seemed a bit to on the nose for his own tastes. The Rockwood family was not unfamiliar with dumb pranks played on them one time he nearly got kicked out of the Heaven's Arena because his opponent called him out with a fake message in the middle of the night to the back parts of Padokea City. It would be a real pain in the butt if all of this walking was a waste of time. Especially since this was a city he wasn't familiar with. Still it wasn't any weirder than some other cities he had gone through on his journey...at least from his brief experience in the city so far. Having left his belongings from the Arena with his family he forfeited his claim to the higher Escalon of the Arena to go and start training by himself a few months ago. Meeting some hunters here and there was the best part of it seeing how each of them wanted to grow in their specific area. That was the neat thing they didn't need to just be a physical powerhouse like himself, or even use nen, a novel concept who wouldn't want to master their own variation of nen? It was so useful...but that was besides the point. Lyle's journey had made him realize that people were different than in the arena, and around Padokea City. Some wanted to try and become food critics, while others sought to become actual hunter hunters, not the people kind more of the animal variation, seeking to tame, or beat out the world's scariest beasts. Some people had it, others didn't but Lyle himself not being a hunter often had to ask his parents for help with travelling. It was a pain watching some people get ahead because of a dumb piece of plastic. But if he became a hunter he'd be put out in front of a bunch of dumb regulations, and orders. Nah he'd be a better martial artist if he just trained hard, and fought harder. As he got to the door to the meeting place he saw someone there he thought they had looked familiar but was unsure from where exactly. Still it seemed by the way they were talking they were also here to meet the White Tiger dude, or dudette. Whoever, or whatever they were who knows maybe it was an actual tiger? Their voice booming made him back step as he blinked. Well better to let that person do whatever it is they wanted to do. If they caused a ruckus he didn't want to get in the crossfire and get kicked out of the meeting spot. Taking a few steps back away from the door Lyle crossed his arms and whistled quietly to himself waiting to see if it would be ok to get in, or not.