"OW WHY are you pulling on my HAIR?!" Silver cried as Gold dragged him into the lab. Once they stopped in front of the now opened briefcase, silver dusted himself off. Eyeing the pokéballs in the machine. "Bastard." He spat at Gold, listening to what the Professor was saying. Elm wasn't such an absolute moron in person, maybe he had grown a little since Silver had seen him on TV a couple of years ago. Gold was horrified at the prospect of leaving town, which made a smile creep up on Silver's face. "C'mon [i]Galdino.[/i] You scared to leave your precious little hometown? Afraid to be away from mommy?" He taunted him with bile. Then came the suggestion of Gold taking one of the Professors Pokémon with him... And what was worse. Elm suggested they would travel together. "What the hell?! I'm not going anywhere with this brute! I came here to ask you for a Pokémon, nothing else."